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New Year New Me

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All the food being eaten which is part of a Diet. Or lets go with the term in which i learn from the wonderful nutritionist i met with every week for what and how to eat and how to cmook what with what and took my 125$ every week. Since i have strictley followed that with adjustments to when im eating.Strictly lean meats vegetables and on the other days broth with vegetables some days we spice it up with ground turkey and spinach wrap and the wrap itself is the spinach one. Idk i can make a list of all the different healthy shit we eat every night. Or is it not eating the right foods part of a diet. I took carbs the fuck out so dont come with start with the carbs. The only sugar i eat in my lipton cotrus green tea. Which i only drink 16 oz with dinners. I know the nutritionist sayed every three hours but that shit didnt work.
Idk where you guys get i eat bad. Everything is lean everything green. Does eating every three hours really help. My answer in my opinion is that when i do that i stay fat and dont lose a damn thing. I work hard put in the hours to get what nothing on the fucking scale. Now i did the nutritionist last august for 3 months learned a shitload and USED it. Didnt say “oh time for oreos” or “ I need my shneeakers” i dont eat non of that shit. So very nice that your body tends to work with thus suggested changes and allows you to eat garbage aswell while the rest of us fatass on the fucking trt are checking all boxes and nothings working. So when i do find something working i say everyone can eat a big ole … Thank you for your input though it is very valid for sure for some reason i will definitely hear you out John
Buddy no ones goading you. Look at this as a think tank. Everyone is thinking out loud and supplying you with ideas.

You certainly are welcome to use some, all or none of them.
I work in a high administrative get you ass tore out type of environment. So i can handle the criticism just make it valid. Ive seen doctors come out of you people for the craziest shit.
The thing is i can take the going at. I just want valid pointers. But now that i think about i think you poppy and neuro And some others give quite some quality feedback. Water:will do, train:once i have time ?Diet:?already tackled. What else nothing but work on it and continue the progress.
It’s valid.when I hear things like,no exercise at ALL,it sounds shitty.i know it’s not your first rodeo.Doctors,not here,and if there title says it,then they are,no one just claiming to be.
What you need to understand is that diet is number one. It’s something most of us have taken 30 to 40 years to learn. We could never work out hard enough to beat our diets. So we grind on diet diet diet. Glad you got it sorted out. Don’t take it the wrong way. It just again the number one thing we try and hone in on.
@QuadGod .Welcome to UGM. You should post an introduction, like how long you been lifting, stats and goals type of thing.
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