Next cycle guidance & questions


Hey gents. I’d say I’m still a beginner compared. I’ve spent the last 3.5 years cycling on & off. Just TestE, then TestE & deca, then TestE, deca & Dbol, after that I found Im especially susceptible to gyno. I didn’t like the scare so I think I should stay away from Dbol or maybe that combo in general? Regardless, the following cycle went good. What I’d like to do is a lean cutting cycle!? Any recommendations!? The last cycle I did was just TestE after a long break, and I can start a new in the next week is what I’m here seeking guidance on.
I’m 5’8 176lbs 33yo. I’ve been working out since I was 17, but only started my first cycle in 2016 when I got out of the military.
I am curious about winny &/ or anavar as I have no experience with either. I do a lot of boxing & bjj, decent amount of cardio & eat pretty good, but I still have this stubborn layer of fat I can’t get rid of around my waist.
My goals are I’d like to put on a little more muscle but also stay lean/lean out a wee bit more, but not a ton of mass at the expense of my flexibility/movement…for bjj & boxing. Thank you guys!
Personally I love winny especially the cutting and stamina I got from it brother. All depends on var I needed so much of it and just got more vascular but for training winny is a great track and field drug.
Ok. I like the sound of that. How would you do it? I understand do the test & winny part, but the var, would I be completely done with the test too when I add the var?
So what about mast n a oral for a lean cycle? Two orals such as winny n var are ok but your liver might not like two orals at once
Or you can low dose Winny and var together. They are pretty synergistic.

You could always look into tbol. The Germans loved that shit.

But mast and Winny would work well too.
Ok yeah that sounds real good! At what stage could you add Tren with those? Like TMT with the winny &/or var? Is that a cycle more down the line for my experience?
Tren absolutely demolished my cardio ability. Happens to some, and not to others.

Personally I would wait. That’s a lot of compounds you’ve never run that you are mixing together and no idea of how they effect you. Plus I don’t think you need winstrol on tren. It’s plenty hardening.
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I think the guys would agree if you want to run tren it would be best to run a test and tren only cycle if that’s the route you want to go, you really don’t want to have a big concoction especially with tren. You could probably drop the mast about 4 weeks and finish with tren but I would keep it simple. I also don’t know how experienced you are yo encourage you to run tren. We are all about safety here so I can’t cosign it.