Nfl players are using a new PED I just don't know what but it will come out soon


So I haven’t watched NFL football since I believe that it has been weakened by safety but I completely understand why the safety is in place.

I have though noticed that players are starting to grow at rapid rates im not sure how strong the drug testing is in the NFL but it seems like something new is floating around remember the guy from Icarus I believe that he could definitely be involved with a underground lab for athletes that’s all he did in Russia was dope athletes.

When you start to see this trend you have to imagine were the patriots just cheating or is Tom actually found the miracle compound because every team he joins takes the super bowl also Tom trains by himself with a very special trainer who is a previously known doper (supposedly but they did get caught red handed using hgh)

I look forward to a possible new compound im still waiting for the mouthwash test/1testosterone/drostanolone/ment base blend liquid oral mouthwash that ICARUS created.

Anyone who can create this or whatever it really was please do I need some good mouthwash. Lol
I seem to remember reading an article once about how the NFL had a tolerance for “elevated” testosterone, meaning your test to epitest levels could be skewed in favor of testosterone to a certain amount considered still “humanly” possible and you would not be punished
I agree if you make money off your performance than any Ped is almost worth it but you have serious Harm Reduction happening with all the doctors they have
I want some of that mouthwash! Wow!

Completely agree that our paternalistic laws regarding AAS are ridiculous. In particular, professional athletes should have the right to do whatever they choose and take whatever risks they want. Yes, we will have some trainwrecks. But the more open it becomes, the more knowledgeable the users are and the less overall harm inflicted. That in the name of freedom is absolutely worth it IMHO.
I believe that there protocols should just be doctor monitored they all ready monitor them extremely closely with multiple team doctors just bring in 2 more one for pain medical marijuana and the other for PEDS and it should be safe.
I believe our government and their laws are still stuck in the 70’s when aas usage was mostly flying by the seat of your pants. With all the knowledge out there today… in my opinion… it’s as safe as can be. There’s always going to be “those folks” that are going to abuse… you can’t legislate human nature.
Yes multiple compounds that are listed as controlled substances need to be revisited.

I mean my god marijuana is supposed to be the worst drug possible on the controlled substances classification #1

Heroin fet coca meth and so on are #2 and #3 I believe that this system needs to be redone but no one cares enough in Washington to bring this up and rewrite the law just like the divorce laws written in the early 50s its crazy that’s 70+ years ago just like drug classification smh
First let me say “Y’all bunch of haters up in here”.
Patriots will be back to the playoffs this season and Brady will be at least NFC Championship.

With that out of the way, these guys suffer horrible accidents occasionally and the time frame for they’re return is forever. Why not take something to speed up recovery? This is there paycheck we are talking about. If you’re not playing your not getting paid. Why not risk it? Just a four game suspension.

I agree hgh and ghrp peptides should be available to them the nba players just travel and get away with it im sure that the nfl guys have started also I know now with nba china you can imagine what nba players are using
And baseball plus every other sport including college and high-school they were deep in the game they just only got taken down for the athlete sales and production
As far as mouth wash goes I think it should be in reverse. The more mouth wash we can dispense the better off we are hahaha
My last doctor considered it in range when I felt good. I had to stop him at 300 mg per week I was like I dont think you can prescribe that much he is old good doctor retiring next year has hair to his shoulders like dirt cool as a cucumber