No Ester pre workouts


ICU nurse/Moderator
I’m planning on running some test base on this next cycle, as a pwo. I saw an old post where @John said he has used them before he goes to work when he hasn’t slept well. I know @Raphael3636 and @SRx sells some monster blends as PWO.

Does anyone who cycles all the way off test use these when they are not on cycle? Since the half life is so short what is the over all effect on the body’s natural Test production. I looked around, couldn’t find anyone that was taking them not on some sore of cycle or HRT. Just a new topic I’m kind of unclear on. Any insight is appreciated. As always!
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I have interest in this topic as well was going try the tear base from Dutch next Wednesday for legs as just a see how I feel but I’m ok cycle and if it could be done off for a sluggish day that would be good to know
I don’t have much insight on your actual questions,and if I do the before work pin cause I’m tired I would only do TNE or tren base, which actually give me energy as opposed to inject dbol or superD, so uhh yeah I’m not of much help.
Most that you will see using pwo inj are usually on cycle or just like you said a form of hrt or something to prevent a crash of testosterone levels.
It really depends upon which pwo inj your using but anything that is a nor19 is going to shut you down first shot but some of the other oral inj aren’t as strong to shut you down immediately but they will eventually if continued using.

A great compound for pwo that won’t effect your testosterone levels is modanifil or provigil I prefer modanifil myself
Modanifil is the generic name for provigil, isn’t it?

Nuvigil, generic armodanifil is the newer drug.
I love my modanifil, I don’t get a huge energy boost, but it does help me not pass out at the wheel!
It really helps with depression as well, though I’d caution anyone that if you take it everyday for extended periods there is some withdrawal from it if you run out!

And more is not better, you won’t see any difference in wakefulness the more you take, it will just make you jittery. I’ve tried taking more if I was super tired, but wanted to hit the town that night, I was still tired, just jittery lol.

It’s also a pricey drug, sure glad my ins covers it.
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Thanks fellas. I figured there’s was suppression. But I didn’t know if the body’s feedback loop would shut down right away.

As far as provigil I’ve heard good things. I take adderall at work, I’m prescribed a fuck ton of it but only take half.

Fun fact: if your girl is taking provigil, and she’s on oral birth control: congrats and get ready to be a dad. It renders oral BC useless. Wifey went on it and then I did some research, not her doctor nor phamacist said a word about it to her.
I actually prefer 100mg of modanifil I believe that 200mg is to much.
That is a fun fact damn I would be upset if that happened.

Its really the nor19 types that really shut you down quickly the other compounds you can get away with using but it would just need to be spaced im actually curious about this now and knowing that you will eventually shutdown but im curious about how long for each compound?
That’s more where I’m at right now. I like to be off of everything when I cycle off, so I don’t want to play with my hormones during that time. But I’m definitely curious about how long you could take dbol or tne before shutting everything down.
Im going to have to check out some pubmed studies on how fast you actually get shutdown it would also be subject sensitive because everyone reacts differently and also starts off with different baseline numbers so I bet age would also play a factor in the speed of shutdown.
Do you get a hangover that’s why I need to take smaller amounts I will sleep forever after taking 200mg. I wake up with zero energy they work and I probably use 3 days worth of energy if I take 200mg but it leaves me hurting afterwards lol
This is how I feel using tianeptine sodium as my preworkout. It gives me so much sustained, positive energy and a happy feeling inside. The days I don’t take it I’m dragging ass a bit. That’s just the price of messing with opiate receptors. To me it’s worth it for the workout. You just have to be strong enough to not use it daily.
No hangover for me in the AM, I know if I forget to take it I can feel it after a couple hours as I feel like I just need to sleep, but I always feel like that, so not sure if it’s the provigil or not. I do know that if I don’t have it for a couple days it’s like I’m totally drained of energy.