NOTICE: No crashed gear is to be sold to members on UGM


Staff member
I dont care if they know and they forgot to be told. Unless they specifically ask you for crashed gear ONLY and you have it in emails with them, this is no longer allowed on this site. This is happening way to often on here and not the standard we want our sponsors known for.

In over 20 years of bodybuilding I think I maybe had 3 crashed products that crashed along time after I recieved it and in extreme conditions.

Any complaints the sponsor will be put on notice and if it continues, then sponsor will be removed. I appreciate that our sponsors have always taken care of these issues but this is getting to be way too much now.

Additionally ANY members reported for attempting to sell other labs thru PM on UGM that are not posted will be banned. This is NOT acceptable.

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Why would they be upset? If any sells me crashed gear I’m demanding it be replaced. I had crashed primoA and my guy took it all back. Not board sponsor. He took it back and I got primoE no issues. It’s like it’s acceptable to make shit gear now. Oh just heat it up. Bullshit you should never have to heat up your gear.
Alot of board decisions here are all made for the members benefit and safety not the sponsors. Other forums will side with sponsors every time and in some cases I personally know of, are allowing former ugls that scammed people to resurface under new names. Ill have a lengthy post in a few days and some sponsors will be removed.
Good. If they can’t brew gear that doesn’t crash then they don’t need to be here. I can understand it in tne or some of those bases, but seeing it non stop from some sources on compounds that I’ve never seen crashed in my life is not okay. It bothers me even more that constantly reheating gear to get it back into solution every single time has become the norm with members and they’re totslly okay with it. I mean do you, but that’s absurd.
I won’t used crashed gear but winter is coming and this will cause some tne and inj orals, dhb, high mg blends also high mg anything that is overloaded with to much molecular weight.

I wouldn’t order tne during the winter and other high mg dosed products plus blends. I try not to order these at all because of the pip and because there prone to crash.
If I do it will be a sponsor that can produce the product so it doesn’t crash which in most cases just takes lowering the mg/ml amount.
No one wants to pin 10ml of oil a wk.
Its better than pinning crashed gear though.
Lower your dosage if you don’t want to pin so much and get average dosed products.
You don’t need to pin super test 800mg/ml. Lol I haven’t really seen it but im sure someone has tried to make something that strong.
The press to raise mg/ml amounts in gear is what is causing the issue I believe.
Before high dosed mg/ml amounts crashed gear was basically just dhb and tne or other base products and inj orals.
It is possible to make every product not crash it just has to be made at a certain mg/ml amount that will fit into the carrier oil.
If you’re using high mg/ml gear there is also a very good chance that you are also injecting super solvents that you might want to look into because me personally I don’t want to be using some of the so called super solvents. There are longterm health risks that probably haven’t been studied or proven yet because some of these solvents being used are not used in medical products for humans.

Just a heads up
Hopefully game of thrones is coming back soon also lol
I’ve got to be honest I’ve never seen or heard crashed gear. I had some in primoA recently but after talking to @SymBiotecLab it’s nearly impossible for anyone to make primoA and it not crash. Crash to me is trash. I’ve never had stuff crash not even During winter so I’m not sure where all this comes from and why it’s become acceptable. Not even in winter should your gear crash. I just got tne from @SymBiotecLab and it’s beautiful no crashing no tiny crystals nothing.

I think we and I mean we as a group need to set our standards higher on what we put in our bodies.
I agree totally of course now. I did say in beginning that I gave the ok because of it was my idea for the products. Anyway, great idea…like I said I’m sure its not because of me but I wasn’t going to even post that but I felt the need. Its not likely infected but I didn’t want to get cut again. So more antibiotics because they couldn’t culture it. Not better in 10 days and it will be Incised and drained. I never have seen crashed gear either until reading about it and of course getting one and reheat once it was" fine". I think this is by far the best board out there…another milestone to keeping it that way.
I think you are right on the money! Its demand. “Everyone wants to go to heaven no one wants to die” I never had any problems back in the day of laurabolin at 10 to whatever ml a week or doing as many sten or the like in one day before “going back” well, a slight “test flu” but nothing like abscesses etc. It seems like everyone wants to poke once a week and from a 29g😣
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