November 29th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was 1 chobani,1 sesame bagel,protein shake,grapes, cranberry juice and water.update 8 doses into the Var,strength is definitely up,recovery time is up as in I feel fresher the next day heading into the workout.Workin chest today,did back yesterday instead of whatever I mentioned I was gonna do.Today I am grateful for my dad and teaching me a good work ethic.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
12oz chicken, 6oz shrimp, 6oz steak,4oz sweet potato, half an avocado, 2 start the day hit shoulders and traps this morning with an hour on treadmill after
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BF #1 - 3 eggs, 3 eggs whites, rice
BF #2 - Overnight oat in soy milk, w/ 1/2 scoop of protein powder
Snack #1 - Strawberry/Banana 50g protein smoothie
Lunch - Lean Ground turkey, protein rice, veggies
Dinner - Short Ribs and pasta

Workout 1 -
5x3 overhead squat
(I am horrible at this & need to work on mobility so I can complete the movement w/ real weight)

Workout 2 -
Metcon [10 Minute Cap]:
20 Power Cleans 155#
20 Bench Press 155#
20 Overhead Squats 95#

Daily Gratitude:
Mind - Pursuits of knowledge for the self
Body - hitting a 300# front squat last week to finish leg day
Samo grub

Going to push in a bit

Had a meeting with management of company taking over the contract at work. They’re moving us all over dollar for dollar…hour for hour (vaca) so for that I’m grateful. Helps me provide for baby girl.
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