NPP what it has done for me!


I recently finished the first half of my cycle. I used 300 mg NPP 750mg test E split 3 times per week. Hgh 2 iu daily in morning
HCG every other day 1000 IU
Anastrozole twice per week
Proviron just started recently 50 mg per day

My goal is to put on lean muscle and lose fat and REPAIR my joints.

I read an article about NPP and it did state that it encourages collagen production and makes your ligaments and tendons more stretchy This is why I decided to go with NPP. @Optumpharma confirmed my theory and recommended NPP over Deca for my personal goals.

I had a hip injury at work last August and it has not gone away. I did a lot of stretching precycle and it didn’t make a difference but on the NPP and it slowly got better and better. It is now to the point that I feel like I never had an injury there. It is 100 percent recovered. I don’t believe the HGH has anything to do with it as I have only been on it for two months.

My feet use to hurt from work all the time. No more pain there either.

My knees are stronger and my shoulder is better. I still have pain in my shoulder but it is an injury from childhood baseball. I can however press 100 pound dumbbells with it where as back in March a 35 pound dumbbell hurt.

I have made mad gains on this cycle fairly good fat loss and muscle gain. Hard to say how much I gained because my weight stayed the same. I did go from a 42 pants to a 38 pants and still weigh 245. So I replaced fat to muscle pound for pound.

I love NPP and will use it again. I am very satisfied with the progress made especially in my joints. It is a fast acting eater which I like also.

Please leave comments and corrections if any are needed. I would love to here other success stories relating to NPP.
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Big yes @BigSwole69 . Quality of life is the best it has been for me in 14 years. The therapeutic value that NPP has given me is what has allowed my body to start pushing big weights again and make bigger gains. When I started my hip and shoulder would only allow me to deadlift 180 pounds with poor form. Now two months later I can do 315 with good form. I know that isnt a lot but it is a huge gain for me.

These are sets not max. I don’t max anymore afraid of reinjury.
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@Rusty I just wanted to give you a heads up that nandrolone does help but doesn’t make them invincible. You have to be careful not to get injured due to the nandrolone and testosterone making you grow faster than your tendons and soft tissue can keep up with injuries suck safety first brother glad to hear everything is going great.
I will have to keep that in my head. Sometimes I get really anxious to push my limits. Always pushing limits. But as I have said before I gauge my limits by what I can do a set of not a 1 rep max because of the thought of reinjury. Even still I can push my reps very hard when I get excited about something.
Awesome Rusty thanks for the post! I was on the fence on what compound to introduce alongside test for my second cycleIt was between Mast and NPP- NPP it is. Are u running caber or anything or is 300 a dose u don’t need to run it at?
It is a relatively dose. @Sig516 suggested I don’t run more than that for my first time. But even at that I made massive gains with it. I use HCG with any AAS. Big fan of HCG. Keeps my nuts functioning at a high level. I use anastrozole 1 mg tablet twice per week for estrogen. @Stretch22
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Just took third dose yesterday. I feel the same way I did when I started NPP (good). It’s a little early yet. It is hard to maintain the high proteins. I am not very hungry like I was before. I have to remember to eat something every few hours. Before I was always hungry so i didn’t need reminders.
Rusty said:
I have made mad gains on this cycle fairly good fat loss and muscle gain. Hard to say how much I gained because my weight stayed the same. I did go from a 42 pants to a 38 pants and still weigh 245. So I replaced fat to muscle pound for pound.
That’s what I’m talking bout!
Good work bro
Thanks brother!! I love my new lifestyle. I love how I look and how I feel. I love that my girls are counting calories and exercising. I love that my wife is supportive and wants to jump on the train. My son and his friend are also hitting the gym harder. Those closest to me see the gains and see the change in attitude. Going from self pity to a confident man! They see it and want some. The rewards are huge and go beyond self. I never want to go back I’m here for good brother!!!
I am a prime example of what @Bigmurph said, nandrolone helps but won’t make the joint invincible. Check out my log about my hip journey, I injured my hip some time ago, re injured it back in 2015 at the age of 35 when I was 6 weeks out from a meet, tried everything under the sun I could think of to heal it, including switching from DECA to NPP, and ended up just having hip replacement back in January of this year just before I turned 40.
My deadlift has come back much better than my squat, when I was competing the two lifts were very close to each other, my deadlift only a few kilos greater than my squat. However I look at it as beginner gains, it was 5 years since I have done any real squats, or any kind of deadlifts except rack pulls above my knees and maybe the occasional high box squat when my hip wasn’t hurting (but my hip would really hurt afterwards). So I need to keep myself in check, I’m still running a 200 mg maintenance dose of test Cyp weekly (2 shots), after this training cycle I’ll probably change to a little hypertrophy training for 10 weeks or so and see if I can’t lose this spare tire and maybe get back into my 198 body…