SB Labs

Nude photos equals pro card

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I’m with you give me small real over big fake. I’ve been told it’s hypocritical with the gear use. But I tell them no it’s still my muscles. Your thinking of those synthol guys
Yeah right? Like we all spend a good deal of money on performance enhancing drugs so we can’t exactly judge. That said, if one prefers a certain aesthetic I couldn’t hold it against them either.

Personally I prefer the exotic look.
Another thing I think needs mentioning tho, especially in the context of this article:

Women get marked down in comp for having small tits. Not only that, over time the process of prepping for comps over and over slowly strips away that fatty tissue that would normally make up the breast. So yeah, these women get fake tits so they can score well and retain the feminine look.

In a certain light, it isn’t so much a choice for them, but a necessity imposed on them both by society and the judges.
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Yep some people liek them the newer ones at least look good those old 80’s balloons just look trashy and horrible
Dolly parton said it costs a lot of money to look this cheap

Their chosing to be in the comp,so it is a choice.if they need fake tits to be able to compete with others it’s still a choice thats consciouly made…Society or not,Nobody is making them do anything,if someone wants to say oh I need to be fake to keep up with the rest of society then that’s their decision is it not?
If they need to get fake tits to score well in a competition that’s their choice to.Take responsibility for our actions and choices is what people need to learn.
Society thinks men should be big and strong so that’s why I use steroids,they made me do it…sounds like I’m full of shit right.
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TG had it on point. This really only the tip of the iceberg. The first 2 rows were for “special invites” And that was when it was just Bodybuilding. the gals had schmoes and the Guys did their thing. There was a lot of perverted stuff going on. Muscle worship, not hardcore sex, But , I mean a rich guy has a party in LA or NY and wants Male bodybuilders to Serve drinks and pose. Sell "used " trunks. Goes on and on, Some turned to Porn but there was colt studios where you would find the top amateurs and some turned pro. They would sell the videos of like the bbodybuilder out chopping wood and then Taking a shower. There were contracts then and now there’s you tube or only fans…not much different except back then it was in the back of the mags and I guess VHS then Blueray…LOL Definitely an individuals choice. The Guy I trained with in late 89 won the AAu America and was on the espn show. He had a po box for signed pics and stuff. He received elaborate offers to come “train” at Martha vineyard or whereever and love letters along with a check for his pics, or picture requests. He quit Bodybuilding. It’s funny because you never hear of ED COAN or the good powerlifters getting the same requests.
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