SB Labs

October 22nd installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was 1 plain bagel,3 HB eggs no yolk,protein shake,green apple,coffee and water.No lifting today.its boring here on the weekends,gym is closed,not suppose to leave the property although their bringing us to Walmart gonna buy food.Hope everyone has a great day.
Darn what are you supposed to do all weekend? I would assume the gym would be something they would condone for positive activities.
So yes they encourage it,but a worker HAS to be at the gym for us to use it so on weekends it’s not open,which is kinda dumb cause we have absolutely nothing to do on the weekends.after a month you can take a 8 hour pass
Breakfast was fried eggs and fried bologna again. 2nd meal was a shake. I’m adding one scoop of whey to my mass gainer now and only having two or three shakes per day. Each shake is 75 grams of protein and 284 grams of carbohydrates. 3rd meal lasagna. 4th was shake. 5th is chicken parmesan. Then another shake after the gym. Today’s training is upper Hypertrophy. Triceps, Biceps, and Chest.

I wasn’t digging the protein without all the carbs. So just added more protein to my mass gainer.
And I’m drinking 2 to 3 a day depending. That’s also not including the 16 ounces of milk per shake, banana, and scoop of peanut butter. Probably going to cut the peanut butter out since it’s not really necessary with the whey added.
I used to be obsessed with carbs,and don’t get me wrong I still love them,but I’ve made the same if not more gains since lowering them.Ive also switched to more rice instead of pasta.My body seems to process the rice slower,not sure if it’s just how rice is processed after digestion or it’s my body
I’m of the opinion that everyone is a bit different and you gotta find what your body processes most efficiently
True…I really wish I woulda used rice instead of pasta about 5 years ago.It also makes me want to run test,mast,Tren again( the biggest I ever was)and use rice Instead of pasta and bread,and mass gainers.
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Ha ha yeah but not anytime soon, haven’t been in the right frame of mind to run a cycle for awhile,and won’t be anytime soon.
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