October 23rd installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was a 12 in cheese steak,cheese n pepper lots of it, banana,water.Lunch will be two turkey n cheese, Lett tomato.Not sure about dinner.Goin to gym after work with my bro in law.i took 150 shot of test p, proviron 50mg this am.Today I am grateful for Monday pay days.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Sounds good bro. Im doing a cleanse for a couple weeks before I start back on another diet. Most likely my old diet of ground beef and cheese, eggs, and my “chili” recipe daily. Nice to precopk a few days and not focus on times.

Workout still varying with my injuries right now but pushing thru. I’ll figure out how I feel tonight.

Still on Test, Tren, Mast. Will up all dosages once new pack comes in. Will add in anadrol for the next 3 months. lower tren and increase mast. After those 3 months are done I’ll increase it all to gram each of test, tren and mast for 2 months, drop the adrol and add in winstrol for spring.
Trained arms earlier, go back for cardio later.
At ortho getting my non injured Pec looked at. Something feels off with it. Hopefully I’m just being a pussy. Back on the diet today. Ate like a slob All weekend
Trained chest and triceps. Had toast and egg whites. Protein shake and a banana. Had shaved steak and cheese for lunch. Yogurt. An apple with peanut butter. Having chicken Parm with ziti for dinner
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