One Q hgh TD pic can't wait to try it


Well-known member
Just received my oneq hgh,took about 20 days to land. I took advantage of their promo so here we go. I’m going to try it out this morning and I report back. Enjoy the hgh porn 😉

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Let me know how that stuff is. I tried Hgh a few years ago and loved it but the lady I got it from just disappeared in China one day and never heard from her since. I have been looking at that gh for awhile
Ive never really had any gh sides, even when I was running 8ius a day. It always infuriated me cause I never really knew if I was getting the benefit I wanted.
Shit my joints in my hips, knees elbows, fingers and other random joints have been killin me. From what I was reading it can be caused by the cartilage repairing and regrowing and water retention. I noticed it will start to go away after the two days off but return shortly after I start back up. Npp isn’t even countering the effects. I may have to take a week off and see how that treats me. I’m running this one Q blue and white. I take 5 units of the blue and put it in the white bottle instead of using Bacteriostatic Water, I use one unit day. This is a potent mix.
I honestly don’t know, I’ve been running it for a little over two months but before I received my oneq I was running generic hgh. But that’s the info I gathered. I wonder if our experienced members can share their experience?
That’s how I’m feeling right now on 2 ius daily I’m giving it 2 months before I add more or go to mk677 pre bed