OneQ back :) promo soon


Hi guys, I’m here again
This virus ruins everything
But we are alive

I’m personally got this shit but it was not so bad. Hope you are OK as well.

Soon we will run some good promo for those who want to try our products. Looks like delivery now works ± good

We are change our formulation because some users still get welts/painful bumps reactions (batch not in sales now)
This is most likely reaction to the buffer or preservative.

Few customers reported about general reactions and unfortunately this may happen as well.
Here is picture:

Here is some info about it and formulations of pharma GH.



BTW after treatment all of customers who faced with general reactions continue to use our GH without problems as in this case

I think those GH should be pure enough but they also give some people skin reactions.
And I think you should understand that welts reaction could be because of shitty GH or individual intolerance to the components - you will never know (only HPLC). If some GH give you some uncomfortable reaction you have to choose: you can continue with this GH and MAY BE after 2-3 weeks reaction disappear if it’s intolerance (it could be) or change GH supplier

About IGF-1 - we would NOT produce this product. Unfortunately IGF-1 very dangerous product, effective but very dangerous (i mean real IGF - not some peptide trash fro animals you may found)
If you want to know about real IGF - please google “increlex”. This is the only 1 real IGF on the market as I know
Only sides I have is hand cramps and lethargy first week. Zero skin reaction. Great fucking results tho.

I’ll message you to place some on hold for my next order on new batch. I don’t want to run out again
My wife and I both had these reactions, but no problem if pinned IM. looking forward to promotion from you guys. Glad to hear you are feeling better and the virus didn’t keep you down!
Yes, muscles have much more “resist” than the fat tissue. It helps in some cases
Hope with the new formulation you will not have any problems