Opened Bottle Shelf Life?

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Well-known member
Hey gents, I’m finishing up a portion of my cycle and will still have a significant amount of NPP left in a vial that I’ve been using.

I know unopened vials can last up to two years, but what about an opened and used vial?

Thanks again for all your help and knowledge
Great question me personally left overs get tossed unless its primo or test because I would just continue to use them but I would also check expiration dates. I know that alot of guys will use old gear and medicine. I wouldn’t though because my biggest concern is my health.

I believe that an open vial should be used or as long as its not expired has no floaters and isn’t crashed, cloudy, and has no water floating in it or on the inside of the vial when you go to use it again it should be ok. I also keep syringe filters for this reason so that if needed I can filter again to gain peace of mind.

Never use anything that you question. If you ask yourself should I, usually you shouldn’t its your intuition telling you that
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Personally if I had that much left in a bottle, cause I dont like open stuff I’m not using for awhile, I woukda either cut the cycle short so I didn’t open another for a insignificant amount, or extend the cycle to finish it…
@Bigmurph also wonder how many open bottles do most of us have at any given time, right now I got two and that will be it for a while. 3 is the most I ever have open at once
I’ve used and will continue to use vials that have been drawn from. Up to any amount of years.

Personally iv even injected oils that have jelled up. Won’t do that again, as it was my first time acquiring gear from a gym goer. Even with my years of reaserch, I thought getting gear from someone was safe. I was wrong .was the worse shit ever . Pulled bloods on it and wasn’t happy. Lost a lot for those 3 vials,
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If you have a manufacturing date on it I go 2 years if not open. I go one year from date if open. Some labs put on an Expired date on the bottles. But I’ve used this as a rule of thumb. I rarely if ever have an opened product. My plans usually run down to the last ml. If for some reason I am short on a draw (sometimes happens at the end of the program) I will use what I have in the vial. Or if it’s not a proper dose I just stop. I never open a new bottle for one dose. But that’s me. Keep in a cool dry place and it will last longer than that. All my product is in the basement in a sealed container locked up.
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Thanks guys really appreciate the help. Sounds like as long as the oil still looks good in the vial it’s safe to store and reuse in the future. Biggest thing to be mindful of is using your intuition and if doesn’t feel safe don’t do it.

Again always appreciate the help
I always lean towards the safety side. You can’t see bacteria. I’ve seen plenty of guys drink water that was “clean” and get sick.
If you’re worried add a little benezole alcohol and benzole benzoate. Bake it in the oven for awhile. My cheap ass doesn’t toss anything hahaha 🤣
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