PCT recovery. Or cruise?


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I do not seem to know anyone but myself that uses pct and comes completely off gear. Everyone I know in real life just blast and cruise, but honestly seems like they just blast. Does anyone here use pct and cycle off twice as long as you were on cycle? Has anyone been forced to use the blast and cruise method because you wouldn’t recover? If so please state gear used. I have never used tren or high dose anything.
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I’ve done a few PCT’s to just clear my system of any AAS to fully recover but that was also to sort of “reset” my receptors which is still up in the air if that’s completely necessary. I’ve had low Test since my late 20’s, early 30’s though so there hasn’t really been a need to come off of test aside from me just doing it because xyz.

I think if you are still younger or still have solid test levels, you should do what you can to preserve your natural endocrine system. If that means PCT then so be it. Deciding to get on TRT and just blast and cruise because “you just want to” is a big decision to make as there is a potential that your natural system may not fully recover should you decide to come off. Almost every time I have decided to come off for a little while, my natural test levels are just a bit lower than the last time but I also tend to go on 7 to 9 month cycles/blasts at a time.
I just did my first legit one and I’m going to do that from now on, I will either be on or off. I felt better in general, and I want my receptors as open and inviting as I can get them for the next round each time I do it.
I’m always on test, I wouldn’t say I blast and cruise, I just kind of stay consistent. I’m 39 and I’ve only been “off” one time in the last 10 years.
I cycle and I feel pretty good. Someone said after Deca their recovery was shit, as was mine, but I believe that is cause the Deca. A normal on/off cycle isn’t bad. I don’t necessarily do double the time I’m on, but my body does feel good coming off for a X amount of time. I’m in my late 20’s.
Since day one I have been pyramiding up and down usually 16 weeks but I continue eating, training but require more rest time. Not for everyone but it works for me and I also stay off at least as long as I was on. The body has an amazing way of recovering from many things you just have to be patient which is the hardest part!
The nice thing about going full recovery is you get to keep your testicles. Those ltitle guys can disappear permanently with no off time. It depends on the person as well.
This is true and im going to add what’s going on with me to my cycle log. Im going to get on some hcg because I am definitely shutdown extremely hard and it of course effects sexual performance and also other issues. Ive never had these issues before so im trying to figure out how to get some size and regular working ability even though it won’t come back completely running 250iu 2x a wk or 500iu 2x a wk will give me something to work with
So contrary to popular belief, running gear for extended periods of time will most likely not shutdown your endogenous testosterone production forever. It can and will take time to come back up to where you were before your cycle but it will come back on its own without pct even. Now the time it takes depends on compounds, amounts, and of course your own body. There have been very few reported medical cases of people never producing endogenous testosterone again, these were usually due to tumors or other medical issues. I’m not saying no pct is a good idea here, just that it is rare that it happens.
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That’s absolutely correct but there is more than enough medical research provided to show that your endocrine system will likely never fully recover. If you started with say a natural test level of 300ng and you decided to go on TRT or even blast other compounds for a few years then come off of everything, the likelihood of your natural test returning to 300ng or better is slim to none. It’s almost always lower. Just saying that there is always a give and take when it comes to our decisions and how our body manages to come back to some form of homeostasis.
But even without the TRT wouldn’t it be normal for your test level to drop after a few years after a certain age? It’s hard know what fully recovered is since you’d have to know what it would be after the time past without exogenous Aas.

I personally think it would go back to very close to normal range in most cases unless you have issues beyond AAS use shut down.
Do you think this is actually needed. I know many people swear by it and others say it’s not needed at all providing even some logical medical reasoning why receptors would never saturate like that.

I’m questioning it myself. I’ve been on blast and cruise without pct for 3 years now. I feel like I don’t get as much mental sides like before. For example tren used to make me much more snappy at people and aggressive at the gym but I don’t really get that with this current cycle of 400mg of tren ew.
I do believe that because I feel as if my body builds a tolerance to ANY drug I put into it