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People Are Slobs,and Dudes are Happy

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Staff member
Military Vet
Two main things I notice here at this Indoor water park for my kids bday, people leave their trash everywhere, no fucks given,no concern, cause they know there’s employees to clean it up, and I already know these kind of people,if I was to point it out, they’d be embarrassed, and feel dumb, so they would want to fight,unfortunately that’s not what I’m here for and dont want to ruin my daughters bday,enough said.Secondly, its mainly dudes that give me the glancing eye, cause their, HAPPY, fat fucks, or HAPPY skinny stick figures, either way, mind your business wannabe.
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Haha I feel that fury !! I’m not sure what it is but I’ve been getting the same thing lately from both guys and girls more guys though like you say ! Yesterday I was with some friends and a buddy of one of there’s came over . They started talking about a bbq pit and they mentioned something about the pit was on roids and the dude that never ever met me said something along the lines of I thought you were talking about him looking at me when he said it … I wanted to say you checking me out you fat fuck or just jealous but I just laughed . I know I can over think stuff so I kept my thoughts to myself . Enjoy your day with your family and smile 😃 it’s a special day for your little one that’s all that matters right !!
Yea I seem to think it’s coming from the jealous part of them. They assume we just take stuff and you look like this … it’s not that simple ! Once they lock eyes though that’s when it turns to fear unless it’s a girl . my wife’s the type that will agree with me that the girl was hot looking at me but she best not look to long hahaha
Most guys aske me
What I’m running and when I tell them they say well no wonder. I have to tell them I don’t recommend it to others and the results probably would be the same anyway
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You are 100 percent correct @Poppy I use to be the fat fuck checking out dudes that look like @John a lot of times for me it wasn’t fear but admiration and a bit of jealousy. I worked hard to look like that for years and never made it. But I never knew about the science of diet and exercise. I worked my ass off but made very small gains. I would look at these dudes like how the fuck They must work out six hours a day. I work out less now and look better then I did then. And ya honestly it doesn’t feel good when you notice your wife looking at a stud. Even though everyone is looking not just your wife. Now I go to the gas station and have the clerk say to me “I know you from somewhere” I say nope. Then she continues “definitely know you from somewhere but can’t figure it out”. She’s probably an 8 and half my age. Or when I went to jail little Mexican boy tells me everyone is checking you out. I said what. Why. He says cause your so big and they wanna know why your in here. Lol. I’m not use to this kind attention it feels good Or the lady taking your blood tells you she loves you arms. I’m not like most guys here but well on my way and already getting the attention.
I agree people are slobs and who gives a shit if it’s someone’s job to clean the place later. Make a mess clean it up. People suck. Other then the people @John every one having a good time?
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Ok…open em up, though if their like me, I wouldn’t come back.
Im not going to open them up but im not policing this anymore I don’t care.
Go for it everyone do whatever they want I didn’t edit or pull it down and I won’t moving forward I have multiple mods. You guys run the posts its your community
@John @Bigmurph


Please don’t let this turn into a free for all forum like most others.

I might tend to agree the word “gay” could be misconstrued as derogatory in certain contexts BUT I believe @John was not bashing gays; he was bashing the dbag dudes.
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