Permant Low Libido after Tren Enth

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So, every year I run at least one cycle to cut some weight and recompose my body as a powerlifter. The cycle that I have formulated for me works great especially with my sport. I cut weight, gain strength, and maintain what I’ve gained and lost after the cycle is over. When not blasting I cruise off just 250mg of Test Enth a week. My problem though is that I feel every time I run this cycle I permanently loose part of my libido once the cycle is over. During the cycle I’m crazy obviously, but after the cycle is over it’s like my Libido never fully goes back to normal.

The cycle is as follows: 10 or 12 weeks long depending how I feel.

Week 1 - 10 / 12
  • 250mg Test Enth
    -200mg Mast Enth
    -400mg Tren Enth
Week 5 or 6
-25mg Proviron every day
-.25mg Caber twice a week
-bump Tren Enth up to 600-800mg a week

Once the cycle ends I’ll remove the proviron and tren immediately. Keep the Mast going for another week then remove it so that I’m not crashing super hard. Caber will stay in up to 2 weeks after tren ends.

Idk why my Libido never gets back to normal. If I take proviron while I’m cruising I feel normal but once it’s gone i loose the Libido again. I’m not prone to estrogen side effects at all but I’m thinking it may be elevated.

Let me know your thoughts/advice and yes I habe an appointment to get bloodwork done.
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Just turned 29 this past June. I got bloodwork done when I was 23 and I had naturally low test to start. Thats when I first jumped on gear for my 24th birthday.
You are not on that much tren unless you have known issues I bet your cabor dose is too high Cut the cabor down or completely out. I would stop cabor for a week see what happens. if it gets better don’t take it a second week. then .25 every 3-4 days depends on your body, but you may not even need it. what to do is get blood work. see what is out of wack, and fix it could be estrogen could be prolactin I bet you crashed your prolactin, which I have done it before taking too much. I get same side effects. No libido penis will not get as hard. When usually I am a raging horn dog with cialis/ viagra hard ons.
There are so many things that cause this your estrogen could be high I didn’t see an AI not that I think you need one Testosterone, Estro, DHEA, DHT Progesterone Androstenedione.SHBG, cortisol any of these could be out blood work is the only way to know but once you know you can fix without bloods it’s like “throwing a hotdog down a hallway “
There are other things restless leg sleep apnea or lack of sleep certain medications and chronic disorders could cause it too. I get super. “no means yes till it means no then it still means yes” horny on tren but I hardly ever need cabor unless I get high on dose most times I don’t take it and if I do it’s allot less than your on for a higher dose of tren
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What I was thinking as well. My libido on tren was like no other, when I came off I thought my libido was low, but really just realized that I’m just back to normal haha. Tren had me like a damn animal, my fiancé was so annoyed by the end of the cycle haha
600 to 800 mg of Tren per week seems like a lot. I’ve read up to 500 on Tren is recommended. I’d advise using HCG on cycle and off for a while. I’d do 500 iu 2-3 times per week. That’ll keep your nuts normal
He needs to run bloods 2 times at least once when you are 4-5 weeks into that cycle, see what is messed up fix it retest if it’s good you know where you are
Yeah obviously while in tren everything is way up and wild but when off cycle is when the issues are occurring. Like I can barely get hard sometimes and when I do it won’t last. It’s so odd. I thought it may just be the metal side effects as well going from ultra high Libido to normal but it’s not. It’s like a true long last diminished normal Libido.
Prami and cabor cabor Is better but harder to acquire prami you can get as a research peptide cabor take less often prami everyday. I tell what will jack my prolactin worse than tren apparently hgh will. I had to get blood work done several
Times to get it dialed it’s the best way no body likes low libido that’s worse than ED to me what good is a hard on if you don’t wanna stick it everywhere
You will @NeuroRN had same deal not a side effect I was looking for surprised me but he is right. Need to get it checked at least once to see if your good I wish there was a cheaper way to do bloods 100-300 dollars per hit gets expensive but it’s a necessity if you can pay don’t play
Oh yeah I was supposed
To get bloods this week but they were all booked for some reason so next day off will get it. Unfortunately I’ll be using ment so won’t know if you ta hgh or ment
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