Phil or Ramy what's your thoughts?


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Phil seriously continues to improve, no matter when, where and how I try to dismantle the guy he just gets better, when his critics drilled him about his back and chest, he turned that around by listening and turing the tables… Plain and simple he’s at the top because he’s the best!

However, Ramy is the genuine article and he too is religiously getting better, and if he comes in like someone drew him on an etch’a sketch, sliced and diced, it will be one of the biggest dilemmas that Phil or the judges have yet to witness…

My core is supporting Ramy!

Your thoughts?
I wanna push for Ramy so badly but he needs to stop playing the size game and really dial in his conditioning. Seems like this year Phil will be coming in with smaller package at the peak of his conditioning… with the improvements he continues to make I think this will all come together well. So I say Heath has it once more but we shall see.
Thats just it man, Ramy clearly has the advantage on size but this isn’t about beef…I been following Ramy for a while now, I admire the hell out of him…But if he wants this, he needs to come in dialed in like a mo-fo… one thing I will add, if Phil comes in this year with a bubble gut “AGAIN”, it’s over… His front profile looked awful last year and that bubble gut just took away from his quads IMO… I’m so darn stoked and can’t even put words on it!
I agree man, also I don’t think we should count Dexter out of that top 5 yet. He may surprise us, he’s consistent as hell… though I think that consistency might be making him ease off the gas a little?
I like how the olympian mass monsters are now wanting smaller waist and better aesthetics…which favors phil no more big guts…phil doesnt have an injury this year he is going to come in the best shape ever and i beleive will look better than we have seen since the old days before coleman big conditioned and tighter waist…its phils for the next 3-4 years…he is too competitive…he wants to be the greatest of all time and he has e drive the mind the competitive mind set to do it.