SB Labs

Picked up an open trap bar…brief review

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Was having a bit of lower back pain from doing a lot of heavy squats and deadlifts so was looking for some alternatives particularly with deadlifts. In the meantime I just removed any of exercises that caused pain in the lower back while doing some moderate back hyperextensions to help strengthen it up. Almost back to no pain, but in the meantime I picked up this open trap bar. Really like the design as there are 2 handles; 1) at level of weight sleeves; and 2) a few inches higher up. I found the upper handles were helpful as I was continuing to heal my back as it took the more stressful movement out enough that I had no pain but could still go reasonably heavy. Love this design as it flips up acting as a deadlift jack for easy loading and the open design allows me to also do exercises such as lunges. Was a pretty reasonable expense and see myself incorporating it into many of my workouts. Knurling on both sets of handles are pretty good as well. Anyone else like using a trap/hex bar to change things up? As I get older think alternating this with traditional deadlifts will be better for wear and tear on my lower back. Previously have had a couple instances where I had herniated discs, but that was a few years back and fortunately healed on its own without any surgery.

Yep definitely right on about farmer’s carry. Plan to start adding those in as well. Always looking for variety as I’m 100% solely using my garage gym. Aside from having a leg press/hack squat, I can almost do any exercise I would want to do as in a commercial gym. Will be tough as my driveway has a steep slope! 😎
Good point as I also don’t do deadlifts for just gaining size, though I do think it can build muscle depending on your weightlifting programming. I never did deadlifts until more recently which means none in my 20s and 30s. I hit every muscle group really hard back then, but I was never a competitive person in either sport. Over the the past year or so, I’ve been more about health longevity and aesthetic competition directly with me that has been my driving force.
Thanks for the clarification. Yeah traditional deadlifts do take quite a bit to master as your technique is critical. With a hex bar not so much though form should essentially be the same, particularly maintaining a flat back and initial drive with hamstring/hips. I definitely saw a pretty good increase in overall strength for many other lifts since incorporating deadlifts.

I typically use it on pull day (back/bi) and is frequently my 1st exercise done given it being a compound movement and recruits multiple muscle groups to some extent. I save the more isolation type exercises for the end. Been doing a push/pull/legs program where I hit both days twice a week. Often change up the exercises for variety and to hit/emphasize other muscle groups that did t get hit as much the 1st go around.
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