SB Labs

Please allow me to introduce myself

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First was sust @ 500mgs a week for I think 12 weeks, and moderately dosed anavar throughout. I think around 50mgs but it’s been a while. Second was test prop 150mg eod for the same time with a heavier dose of var, around 80mg.

Made decent weight gains. Went from a scrawny 150 to the 180’s (keeping bloat in check). Incredible strength gains and held on to it all probably longer than I thought I could.

Right now I’m thinking on doing a ~16 week cycle of:
500mgs test cyp (250 twice a week)
300mgs deca (150 twice a week as well)
Maybe Dbol in the 25mg/day range for the first 4 weeks
Would have arimidex on hand if/when necessary.

I think if I do my part with diet and training I could reasonably put on 15 lean pounds over that time. I’m hesitant about starting deca and Dbol at once since I’ve never done either one.

Not planning on starting until I feel my gains leveling out after starting TRT though. Maybe a couple months maybe longer.
Yeah no doubt. Realistically 30#’s is pipe dream. I know I’ll look and feel great at a lean 185. My real goal is finding the body I can maintain with my TRT and diet and maybe a gently cycle every couple years.
Yeah no doubt. I wish I had listen to the guys on the boards back then telling me to wait! Still though all the extra mass got me laid a lot more than I would have in my early 20’s 😂
I agree with @NeuroRN… this stuff starts at dangerous (where did i hear that haha). All we can do is mitigate the dangers. Dbol is harsh and powerful.

Maybe like you said… level everything out and add in deca or something else and see how your body reacts. Or add in dbol…it might be agreeable to you. Just one at a time.
You’re still relatively young brother. Don’t mess yourself up. You got a lot of living to do.
I just finished a cycle with Test at 500 and Deca at 300. I agree with Neuro. I wouldn’t do the D-bol and Deca together. Just because you haven’t used either before. You don’t know how you’re going to react to each.
I did it at
Extreme numbers but I’m me and
Don’t recommend what I do
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