Ok… I usually don’t comment nor do I watch the news. It doesn’t ever seem to change. Just one side or another telling you what they think you should know.
I’m going to dispel some common misconceptions that are floating around the world wide web.
First I don’t disagree with what Trump is trying to accomplish with trimming the fat of the bloated bureaucracy known as our federal government. Shine a bright light on the spending. After all it’s our money. Both sides of the aisle are completely guilty… congress holds the purse strings and is supposed to have been accountable for lots of the spending.
What strikes me as kind of cheesy is musk treating it as some sort of game with extremely ignorant statements using all inclusive words such as “all”… that’s usually a trigger word to shut down the conversation with whomever you’re speaking with. There’s a handful of “all” statements that hold water but it’s overused in general conversations.
I will admit that Ive never worked inside the beltway (swamp) but I am “adjacent”. I have no idea what goes on inside most of the fed agencies. I can imagine it’s probably as bad as I think it is.
First… there’s many fed employees that produce a tangible product that you can touch/hold/use. Not paper shufflers or bureaucrats.
Second… theres many fed employees that receive specific tasks and a lot of them over the course of a year. Not just show up and lay around. Those tasks have a very specific time associated with it…down to the tenth of and hour, every 6 minutes.
Third… all of the above tasks are monitored with software. The touch labor employees clock time for each task and the supervisor can monitor it daily with easily accessible reports. The office guys like engineers get their tasking electronically. Their supervisor can monitor their progress in real time. Those tasks have a specific hourly time associated well as a due date associated with them.
Forth… teleworking is essential in lots of cases. It’s called hot seating where as 2 employees share a desk. Every other day or split 2/3 days every other week. There’s local commands that are spending 10’s of millions of dollars just so everyone “can be back in the office” when they were extremely productive AND saving money hot seating.
I have no doubt that musk is a smart guy and the fed government DOES need to get their spending under control. I guess being at the top of the money food chain lets you say a bunch of real ignorant stuff and human nature being what it is fuels a lot of clicks on the internet.
A chain saw… really? Show some class dude…I know you were born well off but quit acting like paris hilton.
I’m going to dispel some common misconceptions that are floating around the world wide web.
First I don’t disagree with what Trump is trying to accomplish with trimming the fat of the bloated bureaucracy known as our federal government. Shine a bright light on the spending. After all it’s our money. Both sides of the aisle are completely guilty… congress holds the purse strings and is supposed to have been accountable for lots of the spending.
What strikes me as kind of cheesy is musk treating it as some sort of game with extremely ignorant statements using all inclusive words such as “all”… that’s usually a trigger word to shut down the conversation with whomever you’re speaking with. There’s a handful of “all” statements that hold water but it’s overused in general conversations.
I will admit that Ive never worked inside the beltway (swamp) but I am “adjacent”. I have no idea what goes on inside most of the fed agencies. I can imagine it’s probably as bad as I think it is.
First… there’s many fed employees that produce a tangible product that you can touch/hold/use. Not paper shufflers or bureaucrats.
Second… theres many fed employees that receive specific tasks and a lot of them over the course of a year. Not just show up and lay around. Those tasks have a very specific time associated with it…down to the tenth of and hour, every 6 minutes.
Third… all of the above tasks are monitored with software. The touch labor employees clock time for each task and the supervisor can monitor it daily with easily accessible reports. The office guys like engineers get their tasking electronically. Their supervisor can monitor their progress in real time. Those tasks have a specific hourly time associated well as a due date associated with them.
Forth… teleworking is essential in lots of cases. It’s called hot seating where as 2 employees share a desk. Every other day or split 2/3 days every other week. There’s local commands that are spending 10’s of millions of dollars just so everyone “can be back in the office” when they were extremely productive AND saving money hot seating.
I have no doubt that musk is a smart guy and the fed government DOES need to get their spending under control. I guess being at the top of the money food chain lets you say a bunch of real ignorant stuff and human nature being what it is fuels a lot of clicks on the internet.
A chain saw… really? Show some class dude…I know you were born well off but quit acting like paris hilton.