Poppy’s Blood Labs

I get it totally and I can’t stand fricken pinning, but you’re right about it being something we have to do.

I’m tempted to take an insulin pump and reverse engineer it to run my gear cocktail and just run that versus pinning. I bet I could sell them on the side for some serious cash.
These infusion clinics around here are charging a fortune for little injections.

Wifey looked up a glutathion injection at one of our local places… it was north of 60 bucks maybe 80.
Yeah, we have infusion bars/clinics all over the place and they make bank. Likely due to more than you know that don’t like needles or have a phobia of self injections. I’d inject everywhere I can in my body, if you were able to, before paying what those places do.

The Women’s Health Group our daughter works at does Semaglutide & Tirzepatide and forces folks to get the shots done there for $20 per shot. That’s some bullshit, but extra cash for every single shot on top of the cost of a vial.
The goal is always the most frequent pinning schedule that you can adhere too. The more hurty sticks in a week, the more stable your levels are. If two is what you can adhere to? Great. I know dirt and myself pin everyday.
I’m sitting here calculating out my dosage/ frequency to up my weekly sauce a bit at a time.
All right big fella…here’s my first gen calculation…

Pin 100 mg cyp and 100 mg mast e .

Pin on Monday … weds…Friday as you suggested. That could read Wednesday/Thursday and Friday/Saturday.

Basically adding in one extra a week.

Going to re-cogitate for a bit.
@Neuro @BBSQ5

I’ve officially started looking for a new pcp.

I spoke with my oldest daughter who is neck deep in the medical arena here and the national nephrology research area. She is getting a list together for me.

She’s in Chicago this week traveling for business.
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Which one would you suggest I elevate first?

Over the course of a month I averaged 250 mgs a week and 300 mgs of mast a week. Dosing e3-4 days
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I’m not sure and maybe he’s talking about changing PCP’s and dropping TBol. Then just upping dosage to 300 each on the Test and Mast., but I’ve been know to be wrong on interpreting text before.

If you’re already pinning close to 300 each already, then switching to M, W, F should be fine.
I’m sure he will chime in and say what he means about changing one variable at a time.
Exactly what I mean. No need to change tbol, docs, and upping the dose all at once. Not to mention bad for the scientific method.
I’m pretty steadfast on lookin for a new doc. My doc is getting extremely long in the tooth and has a large practice. I don’t want to be caught in the wave of wandering patients.

My daughter is under the same impression. He could “go” one way or another any minute.
Drop tbol leave oils the same mgs…try and pin smaller doses more frequently.

It’ll probably take me a while to figure out new doc. I’ve got about 10 weeks till next apt.