Poppy’s Blood Labs

I ran outta my sleepin meds,so there wasnt much sleep going on last,a lot of thinking was done ALL FUCKIN NIGHT
Im isolating all day,not leaving my apt.my daughter is coming over to paint her room with me.
I disagree with your provider and hate the old theory type providers that think statins and whatnot are the answer to just one or two out of whack labs. Those days are over and although I’m only a PA and Neuro has his take on things, I don’t think your numbers are anywhere near that bad to be threatening statins.

And the fact that you get fricken blood work done every other week, you’re going to see a lot of fluctuations. I had bloods done and my total cholesterol was over the so called scale twice in 6 months, LDL high, HDL good, and Triglycerides within normal limits and when my provider threatened me with statins, I told him to go pound salt and switched. For labs done 12 weeks later and all of my labs for lipids were within normal limits. Only catch in those labs (most recent) was that my liver ALT/AST were over by like 3. New provider said, your labs look good and keep up whatever you’re doing.

Not saying I won’t have off kilter labs again, but it really irks me when they threaten statins and know you and your history.
I don’t disagree with anything you said.

Actually (for the past year or so) I’ve been contemplating looking for a new pcp.

I’ve been seeing this doc for about 30 years. He’s in his mid/late 70’s and still working because his wife died a couple of years ago. He’s had cancer recently and is just getting old.

I need someone that’s going to carry me on through.
Correct me if I’m wrong… in the big picture… blood pressure is great… last ekg was great…walk up and down stairs without wheezing/stopping…basically everything cardiac is good to go…lipids very well could be an anomaly and /or just keep an eye on them vs going to a med…

@BBSQ5 @Neuro
You’re correct. You’ve tipped the scale of high/low. You’re not critically high. All other health markers are good.

I just personally know you and your health very well, and know the margin for error is very small. Which is why I said cut tbol out. I’m with @BBSQ5 on the statin. If it was prescribed off these labs I would even recommend not taking them.

Especially because I know you will be diligent and mindful AND recheck your labs.
I was cracking myself up… I really don’t know why I was even taking tbol other than to say I was on it… “yeah brah I’m running tbol”… it does sound kinda cool.

I’m very serious about looking for a new pcp. Doc is getting old and I don’t want to be left out in the cold scrambling to find one.
Sitting here at work doing everything but dealing with an aggravating problem that I have solved in my head… just have to mash this blasted keyboard for a few hours and get it on “paper”…

Had a thought… I don’t want to outlive my kids or doctors.
Well, the kids I understand… the doctors? Eh. I don’t care if I outlive my contractor or my barber…. Same concept to me. You’re better off switching now. Practice exchanges rarely go over well.

Meaning if he retires, bites it, or something else and a new doc or group takes over the whole
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Biggest thing for blood work for most folks is always going to be orals screwing with things. I’m not sure that low of a dose of TBol really contributed too much to your last blood work, but you’d be better off raising the dosing on your Test and Mast first and just skip the orals all together, seeing as how your one that’s sensitive to orals overall.

Mast and Test dosing your on is still super conservative and you could up both per week and likely not notice any differences in your labs.
Can’t remember what you’re running dosing wise, but maybe a good 300/300 of both if you’re not that high yet and you will likely see better gains than that TBol. Especially since you’re running the VH steady now, too.
Not sure I’d remember how much I’m taking on that schedule. 😂

So conservatively like 200 Test and 240 Mast.
I’d do 100/100 M, W, and F with them both being longer absorbing oils. I’m sure I’ll get some push back, but I don’t think 300/wk of both is too risky for you.
Honestly, you could do it 2 days per week and there’s no education. I’m just a simple minded person and like less volume per pin, so I pin more often, but even if you’re pinning 300/wk of each, that’s not much volume in each syringe.

Now, of course the more often you pin, the more stable your blood levels technically stay, but you’re using long ester oils anyway, so in reality, it’s likely a moot point. Someone will argue their way and have their thoughts in the frequency of pinning.
I gotcha…I definitely like less volume but I dislike pinning all together. I’m way over it… for about 10 years now hahaha.

It’s just something I have to do…