Post cycle bloodwork


Here are my labs. Had to take screen shots so some of the information is double.

What do you think @NeuroRN @Poppy my friends!!





Definitely gotta change the diet looking at cholesterol. Been cheating way too much and eating too much processed foods. Probably start taking some flax seed supplements again.

Definitely looks like I need to donate blood soon.

Don’t understand the high protein in the urine.
Cholesterol as you stated. You’re not gonna be able to let up on that. I think that’s gonna be something constant you need to stay on.

Oh my friend. Your fasting blood sugar is 119. I would recommend an a1c next lab check. That’s high. My fasting sugar is in the 70’s. Sometimes 60’s. I would very much recommend this before doing a mass.

I think the rest looks good. My phone is being annoying so I can’t get a good look at all of them. But that’s what I could see.
I didn’t fast. They didn’t tell me to fast

My protein in my urine is 48mg/dl. Is that trouble?

I read it could be from taking too many ibuprofen being dehydrated taking supplements smoking again yes shame on me.

And RDW/CV is 21. But that can be cleared up with blood donation right?
Protein/Creatine ratio seems high and that usually indicates kidney issues. Don’t know if yours is that high to be worried.
Rusty said:
And RDW/CV is 21.
This is usually folate or b12 deficiency. But I BELIEVE this can be skewed when glutathione is too high. But your other makers don’t show zinc deficiency which is what high glutathione levels can cause.

As far as the protein in you urine… I personally would talk to a doc. That ratio is crazy out of wack.

I would also bring up the potential anemia associated with RDW levels.
Wonder why they didn’t have you fast. Intake of anything other than water will skew stuff.

My opinion as I understand the human body… when you put something in your body…food in stomach… it sets off a chain of events… excreting various chemicals and such to deal with the food…shuttling it around for use. I believe a non fasted blood lab will tell some things as a fasted lab report will too.

I believe your a1c should be checked as that will give you a good 2-3 month look at how your body is processing carbs (sugar). That glucose is useful but it’s a snapshot of the moment…apparently non fasted. A fasted glucose check will show if your body has utilized your carbs you’ve recently ingested prior to fast.

You got a handful of high markers brother. Might need to address these sooner than later. You know what I’m going to say… diet diet diet. Watch what you stuff in your cake hole.

Still looking at it.
These not being fasted is kinda silly. Not on your part. You didn’t know. The lab should have done this fasted.

I still would get the above mentioned looked at.

You can always get a glucometer for cheap on Amazon. I check mine daily to see what food spikes my sugar.
Personally I would always fast before blood work even if they don’t tell you too. With out fasting most of this data is useless. You should be really concerned about protein in your urine though and this would not be a result from not fasting. It’s a sign of kidney damage. My doctor told me there is never a reason for protein to be in your urine as kidneys aren’t supposed to filter out protein. Like suggested above consult a doctor.
If you’re a1c comes back good and your next fasted glucose comes back good…your sugar will be gtg.