Post cycle bloodwork

NeuroRN said:
I don’t talk about addiction much Bc my whole family is addicts. Alcohol. Meth. Crack. And it’s ruined lives of too many in front of my face to care about it.

This is harsh. This is tough. You may be mad about this. I don’t really care. Be better.
I’m back. Had to take some time off UGM and other stuff. Needed a few day to just get my head straight.
Sorry to hear about your family. I hear what you and @Poppy are saying. And I agree. It’s time to just move on with life without booze. There really is no point and with my bloods where they are at my diet should be ultra clean for life.

Don’t know if your remember this summer when my son got into that rollover accident and he was fine but they did an MRI and found a brain tumor. Well he just got it re measured and it grew 4 mm. So he is gonna go in for surgery end of January or early February. I’m going to have to be on my A game for him. He don’t need the stress of thinking about me and alcohol. Plus he gonna need me post surgery to help him recover and do whatever therapies may be needed.
Thanks fellas. The doc gave him the choice to wait it out and see if it stops. He doesn’t want it to get in the way of sports this next fall so he was like now is the best time so let’s just get it over with. Plus it’s in about the lowest risk place possible right now so he don’t want to risk it growing into a different area that’s high risk. But people respond to brain surgery all different. Some people are good to go with little or no therapy needed. Some people need to relearn how to walk. So who knows. Hope and pray for the best.
Did they give you any other info or Get Spinal fluid or anything to diagnose if there is a malignancy. Everyone will pray and it’s strong. Kids are resilient. When the doors close and your and looking in the mirror, only you know if your are Alcoholic. Add any other substance in there. It’s a very debilitating disease. We are so far behind in mental illness because it’s so hard to see. It’s so hard to get “evidence-based material” To fight we have to have an enemy or at least an opponent. People on here with mental diseases, know this very well. So we pick an enemy, Alcohol…Fentanyl…and start the war on whatever completely forgetting that there is so much Trauma(IMO) that affects people in many different ways. 10 people experience the same situation and you will get 10 different responses based on physiology, education, culture. What do we do? I have very little in the way of an answer. I really truly Hope That The Surgeons go in and are able to find clear borders and completely Excise the Benign tumor. If it’s Malignant and they get it all, Then there could be the same wonderful outcome. On this day filled with wonder and HOPE…Maybe a little more than other days because of all the energy focused on the event! I was 100% raised in Judaism, by the way. I hope You and everyone spread the energy of LOVE and HOPE. I WILL try to spread positive energy today and every day. NO REGRETS or RESENTMENTS today for a start. None of us received directions or a map for this very difficult journey. Some were given advice that hopefully, they will share freely! You never know who is paying attention or was affected by your smile and hello that made them feel like a human being for a moment. I’ve talked to a few people and no one has figured out how not to get burned by sticking their hand in the fire. They could come from different angles, lowered down by a rope …always get burned! It might of sounded like I brought the BOX, but I didn’t. I want to go train and eat and watch football and decide if DHB was just as good as PRIMO on a cost-effective plane. I suffer from the human condition as you all know, BUT, if anyone needs a meathead to listen to the cycle and training, I will. If you might need an ear because you want to get off any merry-go-round, because it just is not fun like I remember…I will listen not judge and maybe there are other numbers to call with folks that can help. MERRY DAY UGM
YOUR PHYSICALLY DONE. I am not a big proponent of PAWS(post-acute withdrawal syndrome)you knew that I’m sure. Some of it sounds like what we always talk about with the AAS. receptor down regulation, The “reward system”. If you are training and hitting PR, the limbic system is getting endogenous dopamine. You have gotta be on your toes, however. I always said I will do lines, or whatever if it really was on a boat or party with a bunch of hot chicks. I know some guys still end up in the closet…but I will never sit around listening to queensryche with a bunch of dudes! See how long that mindset worked…Plus it gets you small after the first few hours…MERRY XMAS IRON BROTHER
They didn’t do anything other then an MRI. They will do a biopsy when they remove it. They are Childrens hospital of Wisconsin Milwaukee and Madison. So they are amongst the best in the country. We are very blessed to have them in our backyard. I really appreciate your analogy of the fire. No matter how we stick our hand in there we are gonna get burned. That is good stuff brother. I appreciate your thoughts and time you took to talk about this. I hope it’s not malignant. They said if it is they can do radiation also , which is something my son is more terrified of them the surgery itself. Just cause he has worked so hard to be the physical athlete he is now. He would loose years of training. But don’t wanna reach into the what if barrel too far. Merry Christmas and love to everyone
Boss It’s never good news when doctors find stuff like that at this point they don’t tell me anything good don’t go digging in web md cause according to them we are all dying of something. imma tell you bout my niece she was 5 years old and fainted at school they found brain tumor. Don’t remember how big but doesn’t matter they took it out and she was like a baby again had to learn everything over she forgot a lot of stuff, people, places, she is 14 years old now she has a tube ran to her stomach for drainage but you can’t even tell at this point so don’t let it get to you don’t go to the dark places. Stay by his side and enjoy life with him. Be positive. I know it’s hard to in bad times we all have had our share. If you need us we be here