SB Labs

Post cycle bloodwork

Insulin resistant? One of my bb buddies battles with same deal was insulin resistance. Always had a high fasting blood sugar Have you tried carb cycling Prob all that home cooked food you always eating on. High protein in your piss. Could be anything from kidney disease to aspirin to blood pressure meds. You not drinking a lot are you?? Just asking boss. Never had a lot of issue with that or cholesterol only time my cholesterol gets crazy is with tren
We’re all at risk for insulin resistance based of our life style. What people seem to ignore is that insulin isn’t just spiked by carbs. Proteins actually spike insulin higher than carbs.

This is why everyone needs to be checking fasted and post meal sugars regularly.
I have been doing some drinking during hunting season but not like binging. My naltrexone meds keep my brain from creating the buzz feeling alcoholics get and eventually just feel dizzy and stop. My doc didn’t seem concerned about the protein in the urine according to the nurse. I don’t know why cause I didn’t talk to her directly. Must be expected by some of the meds I’m on possibly
Yes sir. I feel you there. And @Dirtnasty i think I feel what a normal person feels when they drink. Cause I can tell and it has an effect but not like the flood gates of endorphins have been opened where I am chasing the buzz constantly kinda like coke!! I remember those days too brother. That’s what alcohol does to a guy like me with a genetic predisposition. I am part Cherokee in which all of us have this trait. But also there are some beyond Indians that also have it where alcohol has the same effect as coccaine. Then we end up chasing it ,the buzz, for days sometimes. On naltrexone this does not happen.
I think I would just abstain all together I’m not really one to talk but it seems a slippery slope.
So is your urine “bubbly” usually that will be there when urine is protein of 2 plus. My fasting glucose is 90 but was usually lower. I have had 2 years of too much sugar, then postprandial is high 1- 2 hours after a meal. I just hear how so many people feel great with getting rid of almost all sugars/carbs. For year’s I’ve had postprandial(after a meall even higher"good carbs",) hypoglycemia. So is eat like chicken and rice with pineapple and 2 hours my sugars were 62 , 57…id be tired and sometimes just had to lie down. I’ve neem told HGH can magnify this but I never was able to really use it, do to speak. I had high glucose as well that we ponpointed was caused by ascorbic acid levels, took grams of vitamin c.
Good advice. My cholesterol, A1C, HDL vs LDL cardiac risk, it’s been 5 years. I had really good numbers considering. The last 3 years have been my most normal, which I consider scary. My echo changed from 44 to 50. Before my doc and I sat down, I was kinda fucked which led to more pop and “normal stuff” I never drank pop or did a drive through. “Cheating” was a good meal and splitting a slice at the cheesecake factory. So, I know enough to kill myself will panic and can find enough answers a to know I was gonna die…tomight. My doc is a cardiologist"active" and brought me back to realty last year, but I’ve been putting off the big 50 check. My body has changed. But I would get panic attacks, like fuck I don’t want to get the heart rate past 140 or strain on anything heavy. I guess my point is it is essential we do our best to have a quality life and not just wish or day dream. Get blood work, stress tests, echos, etc. I know this time ill be on some type of meds even if it’s by my own hand. I’ve been blessed not lucky or maybe both. But we have to live the same way regardless in my opinion. In the last three years I’ve felt my unhealthy then if I was doing usual cycle carb diet and heavy day, light day…on and on plus my usual adjusted for age supplement program. I feel things cancel themselves out so go back to “fresh” instead of tv dinners at work to add up the protein. For year’s I had at least 3 cans of tuna a day. I’d just call it 100grams protein, 1-2shakes…a hundred grams and I only did 300 tops , I’ve tried more for dieting for a show and other shit bit that’s been about a year added up. Fuck I’m rambling. Just do what you do, clean up what is suggested, trust where the advice is coming from and fuckin get big…im gonna go check those XMAS sales!!! Nothing wrong with looking good in the casket.
Not preaching cuz you’re too old for that but maybe it’s time to nix the booze all together. You’ve had your share.

It’s been my experience that…that will separate your true friends from other not so good folks. Your true buddies will realize that you’re trying to improve yourself and not press it on you. Maybe put some distance between you and those that don’t understand.

Just my thoughts
I can’t preaxh cause last time I told him will power as I was shoving grams of coke
Up my ass.
You spent how Many months talking about how much alcohol has fucked up your life? You went to court. You were freaking about owning guns. You talked about how much you hurt your family.

What’s the fucking point? So what you’re saying is without your pill that makes you get dizzy, nothing has changed? You still don’t actually want to stay away from alcohol after crying addict for months? And then you just justify, justify, justify oh well I it’s like I’m a normal person drinking Bc of this med? What. Is. The. Fucking. Point. If you’re still coming back to the booze but taking a pill to neutralize it, are you really changing anything? I don’t think so.

Contradictions don’t exist. When you think you’ve found one, check your premises. You will find one of them is wrong. You can’t be a reformed addict and still drink.

And then you wanna run high dose cycles?

I don’t talk about addiction much Bc my whole family is addicts. Alcohol. Meth. Crack. And it’s ruined lives of too many in front of my face to care about it.

This is harsh. This is tough. You may be mad about this. I don’t really care. Be better.
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I just told my buddy that If I’m gonna die I’m gonna look good doing it 🙂 I can tell when I become insulin resistant bloat I eat carb insta bloat not to mention feeing like crap tired all time. I either have to eat couple hundred calories every hr or 6 meals 2 shakes clean. Neuro is right even protein can spike insulin too many calories at one time alcohol. My fasted number stays between 58 to 67 if I have been binging on sugary foods or a lot it’s in 90’s. But man when you can’t cycle and get flat go eat one good meal just a regular meal and next day I lose weight but look twice as big. I used to low carb all week and free graze on Saturday started at Waffle House then five guys for dinner then somewhere nice for supper. Then a desert I would be so stuffed I wouldn’t want any more the next day I would usually fast till supper then meal prep and nibble and maybe eat small meal then back to low carb. Last time I was down to 215 but eating 5760 calories a day and maintaining I could dip down to 205 but looked like cracked out couldn’t hold with the amount of food. Damn now I’m rambling
Used to be till last year I’m just uglier hairier uncle @Poppy I normally run about 230-245 6 ft tall I’m setting on 275+ Did dunk tank with my buddy before show I’m up to around 24-26 % bf right now. Still stocky and barrel chested but definitely soft course I was a fat ass 325 years ago so as long as I can still see my dick I’m happy. Right now just helped my gear bro with his first show my turn it fixing to be my turn we were planning meal prep and carb cycling today. Trying to get my niece to go break some state records powerlifting she is 15 already does more than the records but she plays soccer high school travel ball and some others she is taller than me weighs bout 160 damn foot like a Sasquatch plays goalie already got d-1 scholarship offers. Can’t find the time to squeeze much training in meet is next month so probably wait to hit the gas till then. If my bloods are clean again will probably run bout 17-20+ weeks of deca, sust, eq, hgh, hcg with some tren and dbol spikes along the way . That’s a big if them bloods clear however health is wealth I was once told. Figure realistically I’m not gonna hit the beach body next year but I know I can make ogre status