Post surgery advice/recommendations?

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Around late June I had shoulder surgery and have been recovering well and recently started going through the motions at the gym again. Now if everything goes as planned I’ll be getting my other shoulder worked on within the week. All that being said, anyone have recommendations on anything to help me recover faster or general motivation at this point lol. These aren’t the most major surgeries, one was to remove a bone spur and clean up torn muscle, and the upcoming is to clean up torn muscles and hopefully repair some cartilage.
I think there will be some folks that throw out HGH, my body doesn’t respond well the hgh so I won’t advocate for that.

Personally I’ve seen great success from BPC 157 (250-500mcg daily is the dosages I’ve used) and tb500 2mg twice a week.

I used them 4weeks on, 2 weeks off.
HGH is something I’ve been recommended but I’ve heard alot of people say it didn’t do much for them. BPC 157, and tb500 I’ve never heard of. Anymore info on those? Google makes them sound promising.
They are peptides, the reasons they never made to full clinical trials will vary depending on which article source.

I have a friend that has horrible chrones disease and it’s made a huge difference.

I don’t believe any of our sponsors carry them. But I would recommend them. I have bad joints in general. They helped a lot.
I did BPC 157 after my knee surgery. Was doing one vial a week for 5 weeks. I healed up amazingly fast plus the tendinitis is my elbows was better also. I’m doing it now for my shoulder. I just shoot it every day with my HGH.
I’m a firm believer in the use of HGH for recovery. Over a year ago I had hernia surgery and was running GH, I personally feel it helped with recovery time tremendously. I can’t remember the dose but I normally run it between 2-6iu all year round
If you’re cleaning up cartilage, you’ll want to be very careful to not re damage the freshly resurfaced area. 20 years ago I had two shoulder surgeries 12 months apart, both on the right shoulder, the first was to repair torn labrum, torn rotator and a grade 2 separation of the A/C joint, the second was a resurfacing of the head of the humerus due to damage caused by returning to sport to quickly. Long story short I was cleared by both school doctor and athletic training staff to return to training 12 weeks post surgery number 1, with zero restrictions. I did ease into things, but it was un supervised and I ended up re injuring the soft tissues. After the second surgery I was allowed to do ROM exercises and MINOR stretching supervised by an athletic trainer after the first 3 weeks, 12 weeks after that I was cleared to return to body weight exercises and non impactful movements. When they have to clean soft tissue up, it’s very easy to re injure, so they maximize recovery time. A good example is my recent hip replacement, I was up and walking again with weight on my replaced hip immediately after surgery… a hip resurfacing you do not put any weight on the resurfaced hip for 8-10 weeks to minimize risk of re injuring the soft tissues.
ROM exercises for your shoulder so you can gain as much of that back as possible are good, wall walks are the best, and minor stretching to allow some of the swelling and tightness to leave the area quicker. HGH is a good route to help rejuvenate everything, I find Nandrolone helps too.
Reinjury is a big fear especially with the upcoming work on cartilage, so definitely gonna be slow and easy for a few months. Much you could tell me about HGH? Other than recent Google searches I haven’t looked into it before.
I’m not saying HGH will not help but it is nothing compared to BPC for healing.
I recovered about 90% in just 6 weeks from a rotator tear with BPC.
I can’t wait to get there :hugs: I just hope I’m one of the chosen ones & my body tolerates it well.
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