Preparing for cycle sust, decca, drol bulk need suggestions on pct and cycle maybe sarms/ sust,decca,drol cycle / sarms/ pct course for nor19 cycle

I’m getting together a DECA, drol and test cycle and need suggestions on what all I should run with it. I have arimidex and nolva on hand, caber or prima were suggested, but I haven’t gotten it yet. What are some of your suggestions on pct time and products. What else would y’all have in mind to run the cycle in order to limit progesterone, estrogen, and acne? Also looking for information on good sarms to run between cycles. Right now I’m looking at mk677.
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Mk677 is amazing if you find a legit source. I’ve done bloods 4 times and 3x the stuff was bunk. Once even from same sponsor that bloods were legit so it’s SUPER hot or miss.

Sounds like you actually have yourself covered with arimidex nomva and caber. Just watch for signs and use the caber if needed. I’d probably run your nolva at 10mg ed if you are even slightly gyno prone while on the anadrol. It doesn’t aromatize but there’s something about it (attaches to breast tissue) where it causes gyno in a lot of people. Myself I’d rather just be safe and run low does nolva to combat it. I actually will be doing that for my cycle in 5 week s or so when I use it. Will be my first time but I did a lot of research. Google anadrol and gyno and there’s lots of info.
I would add Proviron 50mgs split it will free up alot of testosterone and help with aromatase.
I personally like using aromasin but adex will do what needs to be done.
The pct on a long nor19 cycle you should get some hcg and pharma grade Nolvadex and clomiphene.
Run the hcg last 10wk with a 5000iu kit up to pct start. So the 3 or 4wks between your last inj keep taking the hcg up until you start clomiphene and Nolvadex.
500iu split 250iu 2x a wk.
This will help your body keep things going and help the clomiphene and Nolvadex finish the job and get your system back to working properly.

Let me know if you have any questions
I agree with Big Murph. Also don’t run nolvadex with decca you are asking for problems. Arimidex and caber will cover you. Depending how much test and decca you are running will depend on dosage. If you can’t run hcg for as long as big Murph suggest you need to start it 1 week before you stop test . You run it no longer than 14-17 days after you finish up with test . Your body will starts looking for it otherwise. Run at least 10,000 iu for pct . Starting at 1,000 eod and tapering to 500 iu at the end. Clomid and nolva as big Murph says. Run drol in the middle of cycle or the end . Not the beginning. Your body will already be getting test and decca anyways that it hasn’t had so you will be gaining from them. If you have never done it this way you should try it. Around week 6 or 7 it will give you a huge boost that you would not get if you blast your system right at the start with all 3 compounds. Then you make BIG GAINS the whole cycle. Or you run it out the door of the cycle . You can run your cycle 2 ways also to break the anabolic threshold through the cycle depending on your dosages . Duchaine’s way is one way . If you are running a lower dosage his way is best. If it’s a high dose cycle Palumbo’s way is best or you run them in combination throughout. I would need more info to give best advice. Myostatin thresh hold levels on compounds (except test ) is around 8 weeks. Another reason to run drol in middle or the end.
As far as SARMS I only have research knowledge and seen clients of mine progress on Ostarine. Since I have no experience running them I won’t comment on something I don’t have personal experiences with.
I would also consider T-3 low dose to keep thyroid in check 19-nor mess with thyroid (exscpecially tren) that can give you some of your up and down moods . I run 25 mg on tren or decca and when I started doing it it eliminated some sides that previously I thought were progesterone or prolactin induced. If your thyroid out put gets fucked up it can really effect your moods and energy levels.
I did sustanon/decca/dbol and did mine a lil bit different. Took arimidex for AI, took caber at .5mg twice a week. 11 days after last pin I took HCG at 500mg/day for 10 days, then day after last HCG pin I started nolva/clomid for 6 weeks since I did a 16 week cycle.
Because decca gyno is progesterone induced and if using armidex estrogen gyno is controlled. So nolvadex has no purpose. Also vitamin b6 and vitamin e together help prolactin. Make sure the vb-6 is pyridoxine hcl . If you ran letro it would cover estrogen and progesterone and it does help with drol even though they don’t exactly no how it does what it does. If you run letro you want run plenty of omega 3-6-9 , fish oil and good fats because your cholesterol will be in the shitter. On armidex to. That’s probably why big Murph says Aromasin. It’s no where near as hard on lipid profiles.
This is last time I ran test,decca, drol. You can stay hard and lean on it if you do it right.
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All I read says that an ai (even metro as it does the same as adex just stronger) will not combat gyno from drol. So I would disagree here. It has to do with it at the breast tissue, that is why people run nolva along side drol. I can find the article tomorrow that explains how drol causes gyno and why ais won’t help if you want. I’ll have to do some digging.
Cool. I am interested in reading it. I know from my experience letro has done better than anything else. But everybody is different. The drol might not have effected me in any way so the Letro didnt really do anything. I know guts who used nolva on letro and it did absolutely nothing to stop the gyno. It’s only theory that says drol works on nodule in the nipple. No scientific proof. So I am interested to read it. I am all about new knowledge.
I can’t provide the medical terms and why but I have been heavily looking into just using 10mg a day of Nolvadex with my cycle and only when bloods say that my estro is to high say for me above 70. I will then run aromasin to bring it down being a suicidal inhibitor it will then provent high estro sides the nolvadex will provent gyno by blocking the binding on the receptors stopping gyno.
I haven’t tried this approach yet. Its still just a thought im researching but what I keep being told by pros is that estrogen is so important in building muscle that most are over doing it with an ai and crushing there estro and not getting the best gains possible.
Nolvadex with a nor19 has in studies raised progesterone but it was a study on a woman and I have used Nolvadex on my last cycle with decca and I had no progesterone problems. Everyone really reacts different when it comes to estro and progesterone so blood work is mandatory on cycle if you are going to do something that you haven’t done before.

Im interested in the drol causing gyno in a different way that an ai won’t block.
You got my attention
Letro is the only thing that’s worked for me with gyno. I’ll be following this @itsasmartthing1990 is definitely dedicated and consistent with his workouts. Will be good to follow the cycle progressions.
I just searched all over and couldn’t find the exact thread, maybe it wasn’t an exact thread. Maybe it was just what I learned from reading a lot.

I did however find this explanation which I believe gets at what I was trying to say:

“Oxy doesn’t aromatize or attach to the progesterone receptor. Although, I believe that one of oxy’s metabolites has the ability to bind to the e2 receptor even though it doesn’t aromatize. This means an AI would be useless against oxy induced increased e2. One would need to use a SERM to counteract oxy’s effect on e2 receptors.”

From all I read, no ai (even letro) would have an effect on gyno from drol, since it does not aromatize. It would have to be combated at the receptor which nolva would do.

There is no 100% answer, it still seemed to be a big mystery, but to me I’d rather take the low dose nolva and not risk it for the 4 weeks I use drol.

Now idk if 10 would be enough or 20 would be better. I just am very much a use only what’s needed. 20 would probably be fine to be safe tho and not over doing it. Would probably depend how much you planned to dose the drol too.

Definitely a good topic to discuss, just. It sure there is a 100% answer out there.
Good info Fitraver. I hope you know I wasn’t trying to argue with you. I was very intrested in what you had for info. I have read that to before. I am like you hours and hours of reading trying to find out how things work medically on the body. Then sometimes with everyone one else’s experience we can put our "brothers science and medical science " together and find what works best. I was addressing the test/decca question of why nolva wasn’t a good choice if armidex was on board.

The anadrol debate is on going still. It activates the receptor itself or it acts like a progesterone or it cause methyl estrogen and oestrogen. I have seen so many things.

I feel your advice on nolva is good and a wise choice if you experience puffy nips on drol. It’s another reason I would use drol in the middle of my cycle. Then I know if everything is going well on test/decca and arimdex to that point and then drol comes in I need nolva . Instead of all 3 at the start and armidex and nolva from the start. No reason to add in extra things if not needed .