Primobolan Body Transformation Bodybuilding Cycle Length


Well-known member
I have a few question(s) for the community…
  1. Based on your personal experience what is the minimum effective dose of primobolan and how many weeks do you feel it should be ran?
  2. How often have you used it?
  3. What do you feel are best combination(s) of steroid(s) to stack with Primobolan and the dosing of each individual steroid?
If you could explain your reasoning for any or all your answers the information will be very valuable.
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Great topic, I have yet to use it, but every time I read about it, it sounds better and better
  1. 400mgs and as long as possible.
  2. 2x first was just a trial run for a couple of weeks 2nd was for just under 20wks
  3. In my opinion from what I know now I want to stack test 300mg a wk ,primo e 400-600mg a wk, npp 300mg a wk for wks 1-12. If I were to add a oral it would be tbol ,mhn,or var. Not sure about the dosing on the orals but it would be low and it would probably be tbol first 6wks at 30mg split and end with mhn last 8wks 20mg split. If I ran var it would be the last 8wks depending on brand 30-40mg split.
I don’t actually believe that an oral is needed especially because you need to slam down as much protein as possible with primo and you don’t want an oral messing up your diet.
Run the primo as long as you can because the gains just keep coming.

Another thing test ,test, and test again to make sure that all your primo is legitimate
I think I would like to try just primo and test, just to see more of what it does, no mixing til a later date
Mast is a great compliment to a test/primo combination. Any orals I see as just a distraction to the synergy of the others combined.
You would go with mast I think that it needs more of an anabolic added in the test/primo/npp is my version of the test/tren/mast cut mix substituting the primo for mast and npp for tren.

Im going to actually try it out coming in a couple of months maybe sooner but im really interested in seeing what it can do.
I would like to get some nandro cyp instead of npp but its a hard find.
I love proviron best all around oral available not for gains but just for what it actually does is so much its it’s not just one thing it accomplishes so much gains is one of its accomplishments also I don’t want to down play its androgenic properties
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I don’t even mess with Provi anymore. I am one of the few people that it negatively impacts my BP. Mast has a shbg lowering effects like Provi but not as strong on paper. Lowering shbg increaes free T. Many DHT derivatives have this feature built into them… Kind of like a cold air intake on a hemi… More bang for the buck.
We just chatted about this. My shgb is one blood test I’ve never done. I’ll have to do it while on this mast and then again once I’ve been off. I also haven’t splurged in the test that gives feee test in awhile. Just get it when I use my insurance for trt doc.
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One of my favorite lean bulks was test/primo/mast for 16 weeks. All at reasonable doses. I was a huge fan of deca when I was cycling so it’s reasonable that NPP would serve a positive purpose in your outline.

May I ask why you would even be considering adding a oral? Just curious.
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It’s rare for it to effect individuals that way and I am one of them. I know with enough certainly it was legit provi as well.

I was just telling @Fitraver the other day I have a very low natural shbg and my libido has been ever strong so I decided not to pursue the use of provi. Maybe my low shbg is the reason I am a high responder and lower side sensitive than some people.
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Very much so…I will be starting here soon at 400. I think 600 is a good dose. I was always afraid it wasn’t real. When I had ampules in 95 from a very good friend. I did test long acting 600 up to 800, parabolan 2 a week. Never could do more than 2 a week or you would be cursed. 76.5 x 2? I don’t know why we wouldn’t fuck with that dose😀 primo E at 400 week and then at about 6 weeks never fails…other stuff would pop up. Suspension, primo ace tabs. As long as it was a " contest drug" I’d throw it in. I did it 2 more times in 90s in off season with laurabolin and test and an oral. I like primo a lot. I never could afford back then more than 600/ week. So that still sticks. I have often wondered if the methandriol diprop at 75mg was really masteron. I liked adding the Aussie methandriol because it was supposed to be synergistic.
I lean towards your version, of the npp instead of tren, and I have ran the tren with mast and test, and I looked great, but the tren sides weren’t worth it, but I have not ran the mast n test with the npp, and i am in same boat as you @Bigmurph, with liking the npp over deca, and not because it’s faster acting, it treats me better then deca overall, npp is one of the rare things that actually helps my appetite
I am on board with 400mg/wk. I have gone as high as 600mg and I cannot honestly say it was a better return on investment as compared to just 400mg. I believe 600mg is a reasonable dose but the added expense did not make sense for me personally.
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How do you get the same point across as me in 500 fewer words? I might still have journals from 90s. I would journal everything.
Only member opinions matter. Reach out to him little brother and invite him to join

He also outweighs you by 80lbs and is 50lbs heavier than me. 😉

Would four shots of tequila have the same effect on a 200lb man as it would on a 275lb man?
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