Progress over the last 6 months

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Well-known member
So I don’t normally put myself out there much but I’m gonna try to switch things up and take myself out of my comfort zone. I did my intro back in October I believe. I had just gotten home after a couple years upstate and was eager to get back into it and hit a real gym and dial in my diet. Since then I focused mainly on putting muscle back on. It was a bulk but nothing crazy. Didn’t keep track of my diet much just made sure I ate 5 meals a day with roughly 50 grams P each meal. Compounds used were Test Tren EQ Anadrol for a couple weeks. Now that it’s heating up I’m getting ready to cut. Gonna obviously adjust my diet and compounds but training will remain the same… I still have to go over the diet and plan it out though. I entered the contest Someone is putting on. I don’t expect to place well but the incentive is great so why not try. Maybe it will push me to a level I’ve yet to reach. Diet is always a struggle and I hate it but necessary. Maybe I’ll do a log not sure yet. Thanks for reading.


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You look great.

Maintaining a log would be outstanding. Apparently you’re not afraid to put in the work. I personally would love to read about it.
Your looking good brother keep hitting it and im really glad that you’re dedicated to a good diet but counting your macros will really get you to your goal.
We run member of the month contest might not be as big as others but its a great prize and easy contest
Member of the Month June Sponsored by Sponsor - Ashop
Here we go again brothers and sisters the Member of the Month Contest for June 2021 sponsored by will be judged on [7936-logo-125x125] The contest will be judged on how many NEW TOPICS a member created in the month of June. Plus an Active Updated Members Log will be a big part of winning this amazing prize $500 in store credit at
WOW. These New Topics must be informative topics, articles, studies and r…
Yea me either. Never actually counted macros or anything. Cutting hard was never my thing I would always just cut back on carbs and shit food to lean out. Been looking at different approaches. One method is take 10-20% off of your maintenance calories. Also heard just drop em by 500-700 daily. Idk I’m open to suggestions
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