SB Labs

Pros and Cons of Dirty Bulking


Well-known member
Can anyone help with info on Dirty Bulking?
I know the process pertains to eating any and every thing for high amounts of calories. Pros and Cons to this type of Bulking Please…
Pro In the end after cutting you should gain more mass than a clean bulk.

Con You get fat and put massive strain on your body.

I would reccomend bulking and sure eat a big mac or a dominoes pizza. Just don’t let heavily processed and sodium filled foods dominate your diet. Get dirty but try to keep it clean.
I have learned from my own personal experience that if you are going to do something do it right the first time because you might not have time to do it right the second.

Dirty bulking, cheat meals and Big Macs are not part of any of my cycles.

I get the best results from a slight calorie surplus of real food and I attempt to eat for a specific purpose and not to feed some mental craving.

The process is simple… A simple matter of choices. But not necessarily easy. :crazy_face:
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People normally run a dirty bulk during the winter months, reason being youre going to gain some fat, but you typically arent shirtless during the winter months.

Ive had great success with dirty bulks and highly recommend it, its easier to gain muscle this way then adding lean muscle on lean muscle, you just have to be disciplined enough to change your diet and cut when the time comes.
Man it is fun while it lasts isn’t it. I haven’t ever done a true dirty bulk, it I definetely had plenty of chests while putting away a lot of clean cals. I personally plan no more big bulls and want to try to stay more lean gains, but I think it’s one of those things our have to try to see if it works for you or not.

Major key point you made: have to be able to flip the switch and commit to a diet after all that splurging.
Dirty bulk is old school and in my opinion is stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of people doing to their bodies. Why?? And no you don’t gain any new muscle and if you do you will lose it when you start to diet. New muscle is the first to go.

Why not do a clean bulk? This past year I put on 25lbs of clean mass. Now that is not 25 pounds of new muscle because well we aren’t Ronnie Coleman’s and that’s impossible to do. I went from 225 to 254 in a year. Vascular and abs even at 254 and I looked good if I pulled my shirt off and didn’t look like a fat slob. I was healthy also. Why put unnecessary stress on the body by eating bad foods? We put enough stress on our bodies if we use gear.

Cons- you get fat
You look like a slob
Pros- I don’t see any
PHD said:
Why put unnecessary stress on the body by eating bad foods? We put enough stress on our bodies if we use gear.
@PHD I could not agree more. I compare a dirty bulk as three steps forward and two steps back. It is much more productive to move forward with no back tracking.