Proviron for PCT or to treat infertility

What are your thoughts on a young athlete using proviron for strength gains. Does it shut ones own production down and is there any sides with using it
No not at all I still take my liver and kidney supps as preventative maintenance. It basically amplifies everything else you use. During off season 50mg in the am. During prep 6 weeks out I add another dose of 50mg before bed.
Im def gonna try it out ive never ran it before maybe add 50mgs in the am and see how i feel. Thank you for your help brother i know you know your shit and i respect your opinion very much
Thanks bro. Let’s just say if it’s good you will know right away by the morning wood and the fact you want to bang every female that walks by lol
Never tried and know nothing about it but keen to learn more. Who doesn’t want pornstar loads?? Lol
Given it’s an estrogen blocker, would this replace adex or would you run both?
Provirons AI properties are very mild and I would not recommend it for replacing a dedicated AI.
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I was reading somewhere that the compound in Halotestin makes your member larger. I researched it and it appears somewhat true. It is given to people that have underdeveloped penis. So maybe Halo and Proviron you could be the second coming of John Holmes no pun intended lol
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Hello @langra117

Very sorry I just found now your question so:

In medicine, proviron used in the treatment of hypogonadism, with low libido, with specific problems with male infertility along with HCG, SERM preparations such as clomid, tamoxifen. As an exception to the rule, Proviron does not affect the semen negatively (in terms of quantity and its quality).
Proviron has a methyl group at the first carbon molecule, not the seventeenth. This allows him to survive contact with the liver, but … just enough to provide a healing androgen level. It has four times greater affinity compared to SHBG compared to DHT
In one study, 50 mg of Proviron per day were administered for 34 months to 34 patients. In 64.7% of patients, the prostate increased in volume, and decreased in 35.29%.
It has been observed reduction of the total testosterone level, reducing the SHBG level,
no changes in the level of free testosterone,
There has been an improvement in the quality of life of men in connection with the reduction of lower urinary tract complaints. This is a paradox, as prostate growth is treated as one of the BPH factors - benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The above study puts a huge question mark over the sense of Proviron in athletes. The more so because 6 months of administration of provender 100 mg daily increased the amount of cholesterol by 18.8%, LDL by as much as 62%, and significantly reduced HDL by 35.7%

So much in theory while being recently in the hospital library I came across interesting research on proviron therapy.
Well, up today’s doctors argue about the how use of proviron in medicine. One group of doctors administered proviron in the 50mg - 170mg(!) treatment per day observed in their patients had very intense orgasm and improved spermatogenesis, while the second group of doctors reported in their patients proviron gave them action like viagra or strong erections !!! lol One thing what I discovered that the number of testosterone levels was different, those who had more intense orgasms had a significantly lower level of total testosterone than the group that felt proviron as Viagra. My conclusion is that proviron significantly influences libido at a higher level of total testosterone.
Can proviron affect the of strength gain? Rather not because it is taken with other AAS that cause a slight proviron share in building strength, while proviron used without AAS will certainly work a bit like a hand brake because it may (but doesn’t have to) reduce the total level of testosterone.
I am not an expert in the area of infertility or proviron participation in sport because really to this day doctors are arguing about the how to use as treatment of diseases and how to use in sports because UG has its own rights and each of us is different 🙂


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