Proviron vs Arimidex


Active member
Hey guys, it may be a stupid question but I’ve been looking for this answer for days.
What’s the difference between Proviron and Arimidex?
I know they are both Aromatase Inhibitors, that’s it.
What would be the best choice in a test + npp cycle?

Thanks in advance!
Proviron is not an aromatase inhibitor at all two completely different compounds.

Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor

Proviron is a hormone I decided to do a little write up about the difference
Proviron can I use it as an aromatase inhibitor to control estrogen? Steroid Profiles
The real answer is NO but its really not that simple. This is your basic Google search answer that you get when researching proviron. Proviron is the brand name for the orally applicable androgen and DHT(dihydrotestosterone)derivative called Mesterolone. Roughly 5% of testosterone undergoes 5-alpha reduction to form the potent androgen DHT, which is a sex hormone and androgen hormone. DHT plays a major role in the formation of the male genitals, and, in adults, it acts as the primary androgen …
Arimidex actually lowers your estrogen levels in the body

Testosterone and npp cycle you will need an aromatase inhibitor either adex or aromasin and you should have a dopamine intag like caber on hand also just incase of progesterone.

Proviron is an excellent edition to the cycle but it won’t prevent gyno from forming due to high estrogen or progesterone
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You shouldn’t take it unless you need it, but with 19 nors, npp, you should have prami or caber on hand in case of prolactin sides.
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No problem, atleast you asked, and now you know new things, just do some more homework.
I don’t know shit and my brain is gonna explode! There’s so much “other stuff” to consider 🤔. Bromo, prami, caber, selegn, …all have their own really bad effects and some good effects to a small community. Selegine is old(1970?) All these Are for folks with Parkinson’s… with levodopa, for control of the movements, think Michael j fox. Some like pramipexole are true dopamine agonists, all can be abused…selegiline increases dopamine by a less effective method…monoamine inhibition. And yes here it is… In higher dosages acts a bit like methamphetamine…which by the way decreases prolactin and is good for the summer cut. All the fuckin drugs, listen if your dick doesn’t work or you get big tits don’t take steroids or better yet get gyno surgery. It’s not the pro bbers or top level athletes, it’s the jersey shore guys worried do much about nipple leakage. Patrick Arnold and duchaine were the ones that started all this “ancillary” shit. Both way ahead of their body morphing time…hows that?
I did it for you guys…sounded like you missed my rants and unintelligible writings! I really think you and most if the others that post a lot or have been on here, realize that " our hobby" or whatever consists of training, diet, and using AAS to give us a bit of an edge. It’s fun to talk about but all this other drug for a side effect then drug for that drugs shortcoming is where we get into TROUBLE!! And I’ve done most of the dumb shit I’m referring to! When I got my hands on arimidex the first time and saw that it hardened me up before a show…fuck 1mg eod, I’ll do 1 or 2 a day…it actually was teslac that my “buddy” said this pro was using high amounts of before a show. The joint and bone pain of having 0 estrogen, wow. L-dopa was big when I started for gh release. Even the anti catabolic Nubain and high dose prami for a flood of dopamine and there’s some thought it relieved pain. Seen way more side effects there then with blasting even a lot of test, deca, whatever.
Proviron is a DHT derivitive. Its main benefit is that is binds to SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin) to free up more Testosterone. Otherwise your test binds to it.