Puffy and sore nipple


Just came off a 10 week Decca & Test cycle and than ran a lower dosage of test for the following 3 weeks. About a week ago my right nipple became puffy and sore. I immediately started taking Nolva at 20mg EOD and finished my 3 weeks of test the day prior before the soreness started. Dont have any adex on hand, but will be ordering some to have in my next order. Any helpful tips or when it may go away or if I need anything else for my order? Thanks!
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I personally haven’t tried adex, I’ve just read alot and been told alot about it. That’s why I’m open for any other things to have on hand or to try. Thanks!
Even if you are just lowering your test post cycle, you absolutely need to continue to run the same dose AI you were using on cycle. For at least 4 weeks on a 10 week cycle. That excess Test from the higher dose is still aromatising and your estrogen will rebound just like ending a cycle. That’s what happened here more than likely. You could start Caber in the event that its progestin related but without bloods you might be just wasting your money. Typically the increase in progesterone will slow or stop when you stop the compound creating the increase. Progesterone levels increase and decrease at a far greater rate than estrogen so usually 3 to 4 weeks after your last pin your progesterone shouldn’t typically be an issue. Increase the Nolva to 40mg a day and get yourself back on an AI ASAP.
You need to immediately order caber and aromasin and enough nolvadex to go about 2 months at 40mg a day.

Your progesterone is probably extremely high from the decca it keeps going for about 4wks after and has an affinity to cause gyno through progesterone.

You should get the aromasin not adex because adex rebounds and isn’t strong enough since you are already having problems aromasin will lower your estrogen 85% over time and the caber you should take a. .5mg then continue taking .25mg 2x a week until the issue goes away but if onset gyno has already started you need to continue taking aromasin 12.5mg e3rd day and nolvadex 40mg ed

This is a Choice
Raloxifene the best drug for getting rid of gyno Steroid Profiles
How To Get Rid Of Gyno Without Surgery Once a lump has formed and you realize oh sh*t I have gynecomastia (gyno), there are only a couple options you have. Get surgery and get the glands removed completely Try and reverse Gyno (the lump) with drugs Now, the common approach most individuals have when it comes to gyno reversal with drugs is they tank the living hell out their Estrogen by slamming Letrozole, or they load up on Nolvadex. First off, Letrozole can’t reverse a fully developed lump…
Gyno treatment with an aromatase inhibitor, gyno treatment with Arimidex,gyno treatment with Anastrozole Steroid Cycles and Discussion
Treatment of testosterone-induced gynecomastia with the aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole This is a really good read on two men on trt who developed gyno and were treated with Anastrozole or Arimidex. Its very interesting to me that it was treated and cured with adex and not aromasin or letrozole. http://www.nature.com/ijir/journal/v16/n1/full/3901154a.html?foxtrotcallback=true
I should add that I ran a sust 750mg/600mg decca cycle and I cut it off cold Turkey then the onset gyno started to happen in my left nip.
I knew immediately that it had to be the decca because my estrogen was in check running aromasin and blood work was above range but nothing crazy. I hadn’t taken any caber throughout the whole cycle because I thought I was fine.
I hit it with the caber .5mg first and then .25mg after that e3d. Then I needed to get rid of the lump I read a couple of studies about how to do this and the broscience way is blast letrozole which is a really bad idea it might work but a really bad idea. Letrozole takes time to build up in the system also and no time for that the aromasin will immediately start to work.
The studies said that 2 men on trt developed gyno and the doc gave them adex and nolvadex. The nolvadex would attach to the receptors left and the aromasin will crush the estrogen that is already there allowing the nolvadex to grab more receptors.

I hope that it works out for you brother I cleared mine completely.
I’ve had that issue in the past and Femara worked best for me.
Get this all the time. I take Adex .5 mg EOD. Usually clears up within 3 or 4 days. But every body is different. Caber doesn’t do shit for me. I did increase Deca dick when I took it. That was no Bueno. But once again. That is my body. Make sure you keep a log of your cycles. Then you can fine tune what works or doesn’t work on your particular chemical structure. And pay for blood work. It is the best teller of what you need.
What sides? I’ve been lazy in the past and got little
Sore and puffy nipple on left side and used letrozole and it was gone in a week. Never had any side effects from it and I use it in prep to dry out even more and no sides there either.
No brother it just has effects on your bone density and other things. I don’t know all the sides off hand but it in my opinion is just better to use aromasin and nolvadex
Pub med opinion is to use adex and nolvadex.
There are many different ways to fight all the different things that we go through. We each choose the one that works best for us.