Question about morality of an idea

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Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.
So I live in the south where most people at least pretend to be religious but all claim to love Jesus. Would it be wronged me, an agnostic, to pretend to be all about that Christ life to get some dates. I feel like me be honest about not believing in organized religion really narrows the field of potential short term flings. I’m looking for long term but that’s not doing to well so what day you guys. also
This question isn’t really as important as stringer vs oversized sweats
Since you’re not looking for a relationship I say go with the recently interest in it. As long as your honest about not wanting serious relationship or shouldn’t fucking matter what your religious stance is.

But, as someone in the capital of the Bible Belt, and as atheistic as one can be, dating was annoying, until I met my wife.
Yeah I don’t lie well I was just joking in group text about it. I always swipe left when it says looking for good christian man. Like I’m one of those three things so not a fit
I miss going out and meeting people organically my personality doesn’t come off well over messages to woman. Works great on message boards with men though hahah. Lost an attractive lady the other day cause I was honest about wanting kids. I don’t really but so if that one baby is mine, but that whole fiasco has changed so I’m not even pursuing paternity.
I being invited to go out and then telling people no 😂😂 but I get what you mean. Dating apps are weird anyway.
Why I miss the big city never used the app unless we were out of Town looking for hookups. Then again it was also easy to get the chicks when your friends don’t charge whoever your hitting on for their drinks. Not saying I fed drinks to anyone but I def was more confident going up to women knowing I wasn’t losing money in the process if the convo doesn’t go well. Just move to the next.
Big brother…bout the time you AREN’T looking for anything but a hookup the future Mrs Dirtnasty will show up. You got a lot to offer. Concerned about your health and not allergic to alarm clocks…always working.
Honesty is the best route. You can still be supportive of another’s religion without believing. I don’t believe, but my fiancé does. I support her and will still go to church with her because it’s important for her. And it’s important for me that she feels supported regardless of my beliefs.
I feel the same way fuck cardio. But I’ve been doing it. Unfortunately my big ass needs too. When I can pick up and just about curl a deer but I can’t drag it five steps without being out of breath then I gotta do something lol.
I think when women say they are looking for a good Christian man, they are looking for values that good Christian men are supposed to have, though most don’t. So I don’t know if you necessarily have to believe in Christ. Full disclosure, I try to be as Christian as I can.
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