Questions because i keep seeing it

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What does The HGH look , look like? Like What do they mean does it have an actual effect like that. I just mean i see people take HGH for months on end and they talk about it like its the fucking shit. Like how people talk about tren. What does it do? Like is it for a cut or bulking or both?
Hgh won’t do much to be honest unless you run high amounts ta not noticeable for muscle gains it willl help with fat loss
If diets in check. I’m running 8 ius a day the next 5 weeks and not expecting anything. Would use if recovering from injury again though
I was on the fence…still am… like stated above, some like it some don’t.

It’s touted as the fountain of youth. It does come with sides from what I gather in my readings.
If I did decide to use it, it would be straight up medicinal doses not big ped doses.
sorry guys yeah ive been going crazy searching stuff with the magniffying glass. Cant really see it on mobile but on conputer whew way better.
I’m not a huge fan. I’ve tried it several times over the years and have noticed little reward except for recovery
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