Quick Introduction - MG


New member
Hi, all. I’m new to these types of forums, was told I should put up an intro. I’m relatively new to this whole game. I have been through various stages over the years as far as my interests are concerned. I spent a good bit of time on the deep web during the golden era of Silk Road 1.0/2.0. A few years ago my interests turned toward cognitive enhancement and nootropics. A lot of what has driven/guided me is a serious case of chronic fatigue & sleep issues that I have never quite been able to 100% shake. It can be pretty debilitating, as it can make functioning at a high level very difficult and leads to depression and whatnot.

About a year and a half ago I read up on HGH and decided to give it a go. Wow, it seriously improved my quality of life. Around the same time, I was reading about various peptides. My girlfriend sustained a gnarly cut that partially severed 2 tendons in her wrist. At the time she had a yoga teacher cert. course coming up and couldn’t afford 2+ months to fully recover. I decided to pull the trigger on some BPC-157 & TB-500. I shit you not she was mostly recovered after 1 month. Her doctors were like… wth? It was around this point that I became seriously interested in peptides and hormones and what they’re capable of.

Fast-forwarding a bit, I started taking Test E. and it has been tremendously helpful. I did one cycle followed by PCT. After that, I decided to cruise, as my quality of life and cognitive health are substantially better when I am supplementing with exogenous Test. I have done 1 blast which included a cycle of NPP. My initial purchases were all deep web based but I’m giving raws a try. I’ll be brewing here in the near future. I’m a bit of a crypto nerd too, so I can try to help answer questions about cryptocurrencies when possible. I’m by no means a blockchain expert though.

So far from what little I’ve seen I like this forum. Cool setup. Look forward to meeting you guys and hope I am able to be of some benefit to the community. Thanks.
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Im glad to see your introduction brother welcome and doesn’t it amaze you that your wife’s doctor won’t prescribe or even recommend things like tb and bpc? I can’t stand most doctors lol
Glad to have you around brother