Raloxifene and joint pain


Well-known member
Ok bros so around December/January I randomly developed a little gyno. 10 years since my last cycle, and not on anything else weird. Live a very active life… not sure what could have caused it and I really regret not running out and getting blood work done. Asked my doc when I was going to get on TRT two months later and my estrogen looked fine. He didn’t test for some of the other markers (I think I need a new doc). His response was just to prescribe me arimidex… which I haven’t been taking because I don’t feel the gyno progressing or any other symptoms at this level of TRT (200mg/wk)

Anyway before I start the light cycle I’m planning I decided to do a run of Raloxifene for 4-6 weeks to see how that does. I’m nearing the end of the first week and I will say the lumps are both down maybe 50%, not really inflamed at all and pain is gone maybe 90%.

At this point I could probably stop and cosmetically the only one who would know is me.

I would obviously prefer though to run the course and get it as close to gone as I can but the joint pain I’m having is pretty intense. Doing 60mg/day I woke up the morning after my first dose with both shoulders and hips killing me worse than they have in years. I can’t even get through a moderate workout without tweaking something whether is a shoulder or SI joint. Right now my whole damn body aches and I’m only lifting at half my normal weight.

Has anyone experienced this and have any suggestions on how to alleviate it a bit? I take an oral glucosamine/msm supp but that’s hardly taking the edge off.

I had to do a series of injections in my left SI last year because of bone spurs and I’ve been pain free ever since, really don’t want to end back up in the pain docs office…

Any help would be much appreciated.
Sorry to hear this. Hopefully someone else will ring in. Way out of my wheel house except for the joint pain. But mine is just old age nothing related to chems.
Right now I’m considering kicking my testosterone up a little during this to get some extra estrogen floating around, but that feels like bro science. I had lab work done yesterday, waiting the results.
Got the results this morning. Test came in fine, a little high at 1000 but I did the bloodwork the day after my injection. E2 came in at 31, but after reading a few clinical studies I think that’s because of the Raloxifene…

Interestingly, my liver enzymes came in terrible AST/ALT 86/87. I didn’t do a liver panel when starting my TRT in march. Fucking wish I had to establish a baseline.

Prolactin only 7.3.

At this point I’m wondering if the elevated liver enzymes are what caused my gyno to begin with.

I live a healthy lifestyle other than drinking a fair amount of wine with my wife. I guess that habit is gone for good.
Soooo raloxifene was taken off the market for several reasons. Clots. Lots of blood clots. Lead to a huge increase in strokes and heart attacks. Joint pain. Not sure about liver involvement.

Test at 1000 and e2 at 31- you fucked with the balance and now your body is angry.

Cut everything out. Drinking (fucks with estrogen) raloxifene (may or may not be real bc they don’t make it anymore as far as I know)

go to trt only. No AI. just your replacement test. And then get labs. Adding hormones to blindly fix other hormones often ends up with a mess.

Gyno isn’t cause by estrogen alone.
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Solid advice. Stopping everything now.

What do you think about timing for blood work? My doctor is down to do it as soon as end of next week.
Cyp is best e3d. It starts crashing (severely) on day 4. At the very least you can pin monday Thursday. Whatever is best for you personally. I like e3d but miss occasionally for one reason or another and just pick up where I left off.

That should flatten your hormones out and greatly reduce any sides.
Well 4 days after my last dose of Raloxifene and my joints feel 100 times better. Also feeling like I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster for a week, and I’m usually a flat line.

That’s strong stuff.

Doing bloodwork the week after next.

Also managed to viscously tweak my left SI joint while warming up before legs on Friday. Last time I did that I spent 3 months doing therapy before finally getting a steroid shot into the joint. Skipping the 3 months this time and getting that damn shot. Feels like someone is twisting an ice pick in there whenever I move that leg.
Look into dry needling in your area. Some states require a PT script. Other don’t.

It tremendously changed my quality of life for the better. It hurts like a mother but makes a huge difference.
It is strong. But it’s been off the market for over a year. Spoke to an international pharmacy about a year ago and they said it wasn’t being made anywhere anymore. If you find it will probably not actually be raloxifene.