Raloxifene and joint pain

Rc companies are doig it now I think but I trust that about as much as thier enclomaphene they are selling kids on sarms
I’ll post bloodwork when I do it.

Also ordered some GSH that came today. Starting 100mg subq.

I’ve got everything sitting here to start a basic test/deca cycle but I’m not touching anything until all my levels are long settled out.
Ok gents bloodwork is in. Drawn 13 days after discontinuing Raloxifene. I also split my TRT into 100mg e3d, and added GSH @ 100mg subq 5x a week. Took tudca for the last two weeks as well just to help and have had zero alcohol.

AST/ALT came way down to 23/39
E2 came in at 28, and total test came in pretty high at 1209.

This was exactly 72 hours after my 100mg cyp shot.

Anyway I’m feeling a ton better. Joints are back to normal other than I’m still nursing my left SI. I also had the most vicious acne attack I’ve had in like 12 years right when starting the Raloxifene and thankfully that cleared up too.

Still have some sensitivity in my nips and the lumps I was trying to shrink are very much still there. Nothing crazy though and I don’t see it getting worse. Maybe the sensitivity will subside with time? Idk. Thanks for the advice guys
Only thing I’ve taken is is DIM. Took that for about 10 days leading up to my bloodwork hoping it would get me down.

I figured that with the test dosage…

I’m thinking I’ll fall into the category of having to run an AI if I want to run supra physiological levels of any of this stuff.
Okay so now you have no idea how your body is actually responding to that dose.


The important thing is the ratio of test to estrogen. We NEED/WANT/HAVE to have higher estrogen to protect our brain heart kidneys etc when our test is high.

There’s positively NO reason to have estrogen low/within normal limits if we’re elevating our testosterone.
How does one go about keeping gyno from developing/worsening while figuring that out? I know that at that dose I am developing sore/inflamed nips. How can I keep that away without any form of AI?
So currently your estrogen is 28. Test is 1200. You’re still getting gyno like symptoms. What does this tell us?

Estrogen is not the cause of your gyno. We know it’s not just estro that causes gyno in general.

You drop down to low trt test dose. WITHOUT ANYTHING ELSE. No dim. No p5p. How will you actually know what your body is doing if you keep fucking with your levels on top of your test? And slowly. SLOWLY increase your dose. When you begin to feel gyno symptoms you get labs.
Prolactin. Progesterone. Test. E2. The whole thing.

My opinion? It’s not popular. If you have to take an AI? Then your dose is too high.

Start there. The next step involves adding other compounds but knowing what level you can run your test without an AI is paramount.

Your estro is WNL and you’re still saying it’s causing gyno. How would that make sense? Answer: it doesn’t.
I developed gyno symptoms in December/January before ever starting TRT. First blood work before messing with anything whatsoever:

To be honest my gyno symptoms haven’t gotten worse with beginning TRT, they just haven’t gone away.
You had gyno symptoms with all your labs in normal range? And you weren’t taking anything else? Sarms? Finasteride? Nothing?
That’s freaking nuts man. I’ll see what I can dig up if I have time at work tonight. If it’s not worse with hormone alteration/trt I’m very confused. I STILL think your best bet it to drop your dose.

Only other lab I would suggest is progesterone.