Re-tested Anavar with LabMax


Staff member
@Ldog @GearChurch @ROIDTEST @Bigmurph
So I tested Gearchurchs anavar again, but with a LabMax test, it tested positive for var.!
Edit its not conclusive yet but we will find out




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I mean, it is a bit confusing, one test saying one thing, another saying something different, and just to be clear, I followed specific details for each test, had my wife help, just to be through, AND in the Labmax test, I didn’t test the new shit he gave me, I tested the original stuff I got.
Why say that? What is the basis for tbol and why would anyone fake Anavar with Tbol?

They cost almost the exact same when it comes to raws so that makes zero sense but I’ve seen statements like this before where people think masteron is cheaper than tren when they cost the exact same.

Does a test that only tests for Oxandrolone (roidtest) only test for that or do they test for Tbol at the same time without saying so?

As far as the labmax test goes then if you know what it was it’s a test for anavar and winstrol only. Winstrol being the most common thing to fake anavar with as it’s cheap. No one is using a product that costs 80-90% of the cost of anavar as a fake. They would use something like WINSTROL that is cheap.

Anavar has a distinct look and texture and even taste compared to everything else and tbol does as well. Anavar and tbol are distinctly different as well and neither look anything like anything like winstrol, dbol, anadrol etc.

View attachment 9328

If roidtest thinks people need to potentially test things who knows how many times to get an accurate result I don’t know what to tell anyone.

If you look at the screen shot from roid test and come up with a different conclusion than I do, so be it but it states specifically “Color squares show expected color changes with a substance match. The amount of SUSPECTED (odd choice of words as it implies that the product is not as stated) material needed may vary by concentration and purity. USE MORE OR LESS MATERIAL IF COLORS ARE TO WEEK/INTENSE.”

I was cool before but after you’re “turned me green but are hesitant” remarks I’m not so ok with everyting. Your’re trashing my brand with the worst testing protocol available.

I know in the other thread you mentioned that you had tested hundreds or whatever roidetests and they always worked good? Seriously? Did you send hundreds off to an actual lab to confirm what you saw or you are assuming roidtest is perfect?
Who said faked?

I believe that you sent the wrong item but you weren’t involved in that conversation.
Your green right? Your green because I believe it was a mistake if I believed that you faked it I would have banned you so there’s no reason for this post.
Here I will even go as far as removing the term that you don’t like but this is over its been done and we talked and I never trashed your brand I actually believe that you have a good brand.
No one’s perfect mistakes happen and no ive never sent anything to a lab have you because members love to see testing on products.

I hope the change makes you remember that I don’t have a problem with you so relax an issue occurred the issue is resolved.
You guys all have a good day I log onto this and im talking the day off its not worth me to try and protect the community im done trying because I didn’t create the complaint. Im sick of protecting members and then they don’t back me up they back up the sponsor instead.
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Not my place but my nose has been broke 7 times in what started in a disagreement escalation lol. I believe personally all parties involved are honest upstanding people with pretty much the same goals here. @GearChurch is a solid name that does people right, @Bigmurph is a good dude looking out and trying to minimize conflicts and rip offs, which i don’t believe is happening at all here, @John is is a thorough dude just checking shit out.
Roidtest is difficult at best to be 100 percent accurate due to it being so many variables that can skew a test, one being the eye of the beholder. But again not my place. Peace bros.
You’ve done nothing wrong I can’t blame this on you nor would I because honestly I would help you out with anything I actually consider you a friend brother but every time I step up for a member going back I believe 6yrs now they allow the problem to fall on top of me and in most cases end up cursing me out you have done nothing like that but I have had multiple members and sponsors attack me without any one backing me up remember ijl it was a nightmare and I took all the gun shoots while everyone just watched. I try to help the best I can but I believe that its not going to be like that anymore I believe in the future that the members are going to have to get together and decide if they want to take an issue up with a sponsor.
I just can’t keep doing this and taking all the abuse for looking out for members. We built this place members first but I don’t believe that I will be putting myself in the line of fire anymore. Moving forward members will have to make the choice to go after a sponsor themselves.
This is not on you brother im just ranting but like I said I would still stand in the line of fire or back you up anyday.

I understand what your saying, and it’s tough being in the role you’ve been maintaining here. I honestly think you care, and are just looking out for folks. That being said, it’s normally the role that gets the most shit, it’s the role that seems thankless, but for all the times you get shit, just remember, there will be that time that it really saves someone, and you made a difference, and they appreciate it.

I can’t speak for all members, but I appreciate what you do, and conversations over text format can really be taken out of context, and the recipient can, and most often will, assume you mean the worst, when in actuality, not being able to hear the voice nuances, the facial expressions, etc…might have made the statement a lot less confrontational.

I totally get wanting to step back, but don’t do so out of frustration, do so because you believe it to be the right choice for you, and your well-being.

Stay strong, stay safe, stay cool.
I understand what you are saying and I appreciate what you do on the board and for members and sponsors alike. I do know that you don’t have a problem with me but wording is key when it’s only typed on a forum and to make a statement that indicates you’re “hestitant” is equivocal to trashing a brand however you want to look at it.

If someone new, or even a vet, comes through and reads that thread and sees that statement by the admin it might give them second thoughts on even considering placing any order so I felt a need to post what I posted. I do appreciate you changing or removing that wording.

I still don’t understand why you think I sent the wrong thing…Neither test is testing for Tbol so either it wasn’t anavar or it was.

Tbol is distinctly differernt from Anavar, I make the tabs using green dye and Tbol is blue so the tabs were correct and I promise you the raws were not mixed up.

What did @ROIDTEST say? How about labmax when you emailed them?

Again, I have no problem with people testing anything and I beg them to. I will pay for it and give store credit for a total up to $300.

This is the most recent one someone did but I don’t want to link to another forum for the thread as I don’t feel that’s appropriate to openly post but if anyone wants that link they can email me.
