SB Labs

Roidtest negative results



This is another failure it was supposed to be primobolan enanthate and its just oil.
Always test your gear!!!
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All his original gear with the original labels is legit but everything except the test e with new labels is either another compound or just oil.
Wtf lol it sucks
The old labels are solid the new labels didn’t test well when I tested them with roidtest. Everything flailed except the test enanthate
I wouldn’t keep bumping a thread on a shutdown UGL. 😉 I mean you can if you want if you are OCD or something. 😂
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im waitng for my roid test to come hopfully in the next coupe days i have my suspicions with the stuff i recieved. still new to all this. but cautious. new to the online part of it at least
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You should write an introduction letting us know a bit about you some stats and your experience just to let everyone welcome you to the community.
I also look forward to seeing your results before testing if you have questions ask and im willing to help also @ROIDTEST is available if needed.
I hope that you used the 20% off members only code UGMUSCLE
okay i can do that. im trying to figure out how to navigate this page is there a board or discussion you would reccomend that i do an intro. also no i didnt not use any discount i am one of the ones that i fear may have waisted his money on beligas (R-factory) so im waiting. but i weigh roughly 165-170 5’8" im in decent shape but have always have had trouble putting on mass. i work an active job in contruction so i burn a lot of calories during the day hard for me to get enough intake
thanks for the messaging i look forward to being apart of this group and i hope i can get the anwers and guidance i am looking for.
If you click on the introductions heading in the menu (top right) it will take you to that category. Once you’re there you should see “+Topic” button. Just click that and go. To gain mass you’ll have to figure out how to get the calories in. I struggled with that when I was younger. Being in a physical job doesn’t make it easy. When I was younger and bulking I would eat everything. Make sure to get enough quality food and supplements but I would eat junk food after that to get the calories in. It came off easier when I was younger also.

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