Ronnie Coleman Tells Joe Rogan He Obtained Steroid Prescriptions from Doctors

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I always heard as a cop he had the opportunity to arrest a large steroid outfit and chose look the other way for a free “sponsorship” I know that’s prob farthest from truth but seriously is the running bs talk
You guys hear on the podcast with Joe Rogan, & Ronnie, where Ronnie, said his entire spine is a rod…

And he has a fucking cage around his neck.

He’s been through so much, but half of it is because the doctors said “Ronnie, you can’t keep lifting heavy ass weights”

Yet he continued to lift oddly heavy ass weights even when his back was slowly deteriorating.

Not sure if that’s the mentality of a champ or just plain asinine thinking.
I’m with you all the way on Dorian, he is my favorite bodybuilder of all time.

@Outlawthing I like the old school era way better. As you said just raw lifters who wanted it and they didn’t have what we have today as far as the science.

Lastly may we not not forget the lil homies like Labrada, Lee Priest, Shawn Ray, Dexter Jackson, I mean these guys were beast’s among giants but of that old school era.
To get too that level you have to want it for sure I have a few friends that compete in bodybuilding and there are lots of people that look amazing but to walk on stage as the one that beats all others they all deserve it the earned it blood sweat and tears
I went to the RC classic in the early 2000’s, and actually got to sit behind him. My friends father in law helped promote it. Obviously the guy is huge, but until youre next to him, you have no idea. Im around 265, but i looked like a LW next to him. Think he around 300’ish at the time. But, it was 300 lbs of quality, mature, formed muscle; he was insane! His back and shoulders looked like they were 3 yards wide. Veryyyy nice guy though.
Everyone should go to soMething like the Arnold at least once cause it’s eye opening pictures don’t do justice stand beside one of them and your like damn and the women Some of them are bigger than me and the ones that are fit are amazing
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