SB Labs

Rubber contamination - pre loaded syringes

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Long story short- I have a touch of OCD and I keep all of my used bottles from my TRT. every 1ml bottle always has a few drips left in it so about once a year I sit down and pull all of it from the bottles and it adds up to about 7ml or so. Instead of transferring into another bottle this time I pre loaded syringes at .5ml each to use for a blast later. Unfortunately it appears the rubber stoppers reacted with the solvents in the testosterone. The oil is almost the color of tren now. Trash it or use it… that is the question…
Trash it. Solvents in some products can break down the stoppers in syringes over time if made from a different grade thats not meant for storage. At that point you’ll have a contaminated product. I pre loads I only do for a week max and then another week. long term storage should be in glass.
Agree with everyone above. Trash it.

Decades ago I did the same thing and preloaded about a months worth… needless to say it didn’t work. Same thing. The rubber came apart.

Sorry buddy
Yeah I mean I take the little bit left that’s like half a cc and use it with the next trt bottle but I don’t save em lol
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