Running cycles and keeping test at trt dose - thoughts?

Tried googling “palumbo eq” and found this thread on PM where it seems to refer to what you were talking about @Big482 and his talk on eq and shooting eod. They seemed to go pretty hard on him and call him out saying he had the ester wrong in his assumption. Like when he tried to compare it to a test.

Idk much about this stuff so I’m not saying they’re correct but seemed to be several guys disagreeing so I’d def be interested in your thoughts about what they had to say and palumbos proof as well.

This intrigues me a lot cuz longer eq cycles seems to be the one thing that I’ve always heard consistently in a sport that always has differing opinions.

Although I will say if frontloading I feel 12-14 could be okay. Not sure I’d fall in the 8 boat though.
Considering Palumbo’s track record and the many athletes he trains and the actual science behind EQ I go with him. Guys have been say 12-16 weeks so long it’s become "Bro-Legend ". Just like when Duchaine said EQ is just like decca . It became gospel. Even after he recanted the statement in later works. I am not saying 12-16 weeks doesn’t work well. But I will bet (I have tried it) switching compounds out every 8 weeks you will see better results in 16 weeks than a 16 week EQ run. It’s just my opinion and how my body reacts . People will argue you to the death about certain things when it comes to gear. I would just experiment and see how your body reacts . You also get a good overlap with EQ and the next compound to because it does stay in your system so long.
One reason I dont front-load eq is I dont like the “serum sickness” feeling from so much hormone at one time. And I feel it saturates the receptor so fast it might have “burn out” quicker. Because there is no debating EQ’s biggest release is 2-3 says after injection. That’s just science . But people will try to debate that to with bro-science and bro-legend as I call it.
Yates also ran EQ for 8 weeks to. A lot of guys also only used 300-400mg a week because it was all veterinary grade and was 50mg/ml or 100mg/ml . They used a lot to cut the old T400 from Mexico to cut the pip down. They made it so low dose because horses process eq diffrent and they can process dihydroboldenone way better than a human . It’s way more powerful than eq, test etc.
Thanks for the additional context @Big482 . I’m not really on one side or another. I just wanted to hear more of your thoughts. It’s always interesting to me the differing opinions and it truly shows that at the end of the day there are more than one way to get from point a-b.

I did find it interesting that his main premise he made about the esters as his argument the PM article seemed to show he was off. So that was something I just wanted to bring up and see what your thoughts were cuz you seem to know more about the esters.

Funny thing that I just now thought about. My last eq run I had planned to do 20. I got to 16 and was ready to get off. I certainly couldn’t say that weeks 17-20 woulda been some kind of magic to me.

Its lookin like I’m bout to run some eq and plan to frontload. I think I may end up trying this and just doing 12 weeks, or staying in as long as I feel I’m making gains but try to not have that 16-20 mindset. If I feel like I’ve halted progress short of that I won’t push it for no reason. Not sure i can convince myself to do 8 tho haha. But I also am not sure what compound I’d switch to. I wish I wasn’t a puss about tren. A nice eq lean bulk and then recomp for 6-8 with tren sounds killer haha.
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I just finished eq 1ml 300mgs eod 9 weeks felt i stopped getting anything out of it. I wouldnt run it for an “x” amount of time just to do it. I would go until i noticed the gains slow down or stop brotha
I really like all the information but I struggle with the understanding of how a undeconate ester compound could work so quickly. I do agree and have read about the immediate rbc spike which is why it was used in horses almost like epo for humans.
Is this what you mean by it works quickly the endurance part of the compounds positives?
I always enjoy reading peoples knowledge and I always keep an open mind.
Because the majority of the drug is released in first 2-3 days. Say you take 300mg , 150mg is suppose to release over the course of the half -life (undecylenate 13-16 days) most of the 150mg will be released in 2-3 days. That’s why eod injections work well. Unless you go with Duchaines theory of breaking the anabolic barrier with one large dose (say 900mg) once a week. So for those 2-3 days you a extremely anabolic instead of a smaller spike.
You are 100% right . Multiple ways to get from a-b. You just have to experiment on yourself . Keep a good journal everyday or what is going in the gym , the kitchen table and with your gear . This way you can say " hey this approach works very well for me ". No matter what I say or 100 other people say it might not be right for your body.
Yes the overlap of EQ and tren is a very nice combo or masteron alongside of EQ is a great stack for me. Running some A-bombs on and off through a EQ/test cycle works well to. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off or sometimes I run Drol 2 days on 2 days off to avoid sides . It has worked well for me . Especially on bigger body part days like back and legs or using drol ir dbol on lagging body part days and the day after.
Oh man you’re bringing out all kinds of opposing theories. I actually was VERY interested in the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off approach with drol as well. Researched that one a lot and found people supporting your theories as well. Get in, reap the benefits, then get out before the sides are too bad and it gets toxic.
Dbol is a little less toxic. Also dbol has a huge igf-1 spike . I like to use dbol on just my workout days . I use 50mg usually and I use it in a 4 hour period around my workout to maximize the pre,post and intra(if you do use intra) nutrition. On non workout days I dont use dbol
The guy who wrote the article used to post at meso rx and a few other boards back in the day.His name was Demondosage.A long time ago he convinced me to run low test to cover the bodyfunctions and maintain a healthyu anabolic enviroment.Let the primo do the work.
How has that approach gone for you? Have you suck to pretty much just using low test on other cycles such as eq npp or mast, or just when you do primo?