Running cycles and keeping test at trt dose - thoughts?

Its done fantastic.And yes i just run high anabolics(eq,primo,mast,tren etc and low test.Or low test and orals.IT has changed my physique in ways i do not think blasting test would had ever acheived.
I did this a few times for the same reason Crazy stated. Let the anabolic di the work. One cycle I remember quite well was 400mg test prop with 700mg NPP and 75mg drol 2 days on 2 days off. I had pretty good results. I got some pics from it I will post.

The gear I was using was from a promo that the company wanted me to use and document my progress. The gear was A-1 and my diet was geared for mass using Yates style training
Yes.Anymore too much test …long estered just makes me feel shitty.Now i do like to do shic cycles with test prop,base,tne.But i am in and out before sides start for me.I still know alot of guys who run high anabolics with no test.Their secret.Very old one.You run a low dose aromatizing compound such as dbol.That covers the test/estro basis.Im talking 10mgday.

Building the body with masterone,primo,var,eq and dht derivatives gives a whole different cosmetic look that i prefer much more than the bloated big look.