Running Mate

Great question.

Throwing out some names.



I like that lady senator from Tennessee forgot her name.

Always liked huckabees daughter

Orrrrr get an obese musilam tranny with 11 pronouns … dare anyone to not vote for him…
We don’t have a single America First candidate. Every single one is bought by Israel. I don’t think we can ever get rid of corruption until that is handled.

For those unaware this is why JFK was assassinated. JFK was pro peace in the middle east. When he was in college he visited Palestine when the British were giving the Jews the land. He witnessed Jews bombing themselves and blaming the Arabs. Running to British for help. He wrote about it to his father back then. In the national archives now.

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JFK said AIPAC needed to register as a foreign agent. Acting under israel. The move was set to pass and AIPACs lawyers started postponing it. Until his assassination. Following his assassination the court dismissed it.

Later we find out more information.



Israel owns our government. Our tax dollars and wars benefit Israel more then the US. Israel gives millions to our politicians so they give them billions in return yearly. It’s a huge money tax laundering system and Israel is the only country allowed to do this to the US. Any of the candidates they buy will have US best interests in mind.

While they make up 3% of the population in the US they hold 90% of the cabinet positions from the President.

For the record I could care less about the bs going on between them and our government IF we didn’t pay so much in taxes, supported ALL our veterans and got them homes, better care etc. Leave no one homeless. And secured our borders. US first. Anyone else can wait in line.
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Look at this shit today lol


He doesn’t like it when it was used against him. But he was all for it last time and passed it.


Everyone praising him on the right ignoring he passed it again and said he would end it in 2016 lol.
That is some seriously dangerous legislation. I said that post 911 when everyone was so “patriotic” they gave up their own rights to “catch the bad guys”

Threw the baby out with the bath water
So far Gaetz has it blocked. Along with 18 others in committee.

Speaker Johnson threatening to force a vote anyway and pass it.

Gaetz and others will push for Johnsons removal if so.

Gaetz has some of his own issues, just like any of the idiots in office, but I do back him on more than a few things his stood against and back him on this.

We don’t have any worth a damn candidate for President, but I know for sure we can’t tolerate another 4 years with Biden in financially. It’s really a damn shame that we have become what we have become in the world.

A lot of other countries wife and I would surely move to, if it weren’t so damn cold there.

Wish I were super rich and could just buy my own island! :hugs: