SB Labs

September 16th Training and Grub

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Military Vet
Oats n protein for me. Donating blood at noon. Probably no training for me. A couple of days off of gym feels good.
Same meals for me. Those won’t change until Tuesday. Going to attempt some legs in a little bit. Sciatica is acting up so probably just some leg extensions and curls. Seated calf raises.
Pb Sando and protein shake. I need to get another scale for place to get back to weighing food and have real caloric intake count i know I’m 6000 or lower with what I have already cut out
Breakfast egg sausage and English muffin. Coffee.
Was gonna do legs today but stressed hamstring playing soccer with kids I coach yesterday. Maybe just go light with legs and work it a little see how it feels. Being old sucks. Ripped a shot on goal. Thought I was warmed up and boom tight as 90 pound virgin. At least I didn’t pull it.
I hear ya brother. Not sure about reversing stuff. There’s plenty of snake oil salesmen that’ll promise you that but I’m of the opinion that most things can only be mitigated…some things can be reversed but not many.

If you throw out the high and low outliers, I believe I will be proven correct.

There’s young folks (40’s early 50’s) that are dropping dead due to overall poor health as well as folks living a long life relatively healthy.

I believe that most of us fall somewhere in the middle.
I knew a dude that died in his mid 60’s. He was a miracle…drank like a fish, chain smoked, no drug was off the table with an overarching heroin addiction… for over 40 years. No teeth, terrible hygiene, shot once, gutted in a bar fight walked out with his intestines in his arms… just should have been dead 20-30 years earlier for any number of reasons but somehow managed to make it for a long time. Short fat dude…still amazes me.
Ya I know a few as well. People use to say I could drink bleach and survive cause I put so much crap in my body and bloods and BP and heart rate were always perfect. But sugar seems to be my nemisis. Know dudes lived very long and some died very young all the same lifestyle. And ya snake oil. Tons of it out there. Lots claim to kill cancer like the alkaline water guys. Say cancaer can’t live in an alkaline environment which it cannot. But what they fail to tell you is your body adjusts the PH automatically for what it needs it to be so that is a false advertisement. With my kid going through what he is dealing with and trying to find ways to mitigate the potential for it to rare it’s ugly head again I get pissed. I find lots of shit that is just that shit!!! Only to find out it is bogus and I’ve wasted time. Some people lots of money for no avail. Makes me wanna go head hunting for crooks that say they can cure shit that is false just to make a dollar off peoples fears. They are terrorist.
I had a guy tell me on college sports baord that once weed stops cancer
From forming if you smoke it. I asked him how tommy Ching got prostate cancer. A study showed if you injected cancer cells with thc I think it killed the cancer cell. Well that’s not how the body works
Ya so much bs out there. Lots of scams about health. Look at Covid. Tons scam lots bad info. Yet no one talked about glutathione and Covid and how it protects vital organs from Covid. Government and college studies proved it over and over again. Someone could’ve made a ton of money selling that but noooooo. These guys think they need to make money off scams. I tell you the police are arresting the wrong dudes. They need to start arresting guys in suits.
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