SB Labs

September 26th edition of diets and training


Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all. Had bloods drawn this am hopefully the last time before i hop on a cycle.No work at all this week,been wet,and been waiting to dry up to start a deck.going to gym later with my sister and her fiance,then their coming over for some chic parm,pasta,and a salad,and lots of weed.gonna go talk a little hike in the rain to check my trailcam,switch out the chips,and today im grateful for no work and the chance to get outside a little.Also its my once a month payday courtesy of the VA,and im dropping at least 300 on weed thatll last me around 12-14 days.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
No training. Had pre surgery paperwork to do today which seems like they could of just sent me an email to verify everything. They did check blood pressure so whoopie lol. Chicken and rice, pork beans and rice, eggs and toast, yogurt and a protein shake.