September 27th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good fuckin morning all Breakfast was 5 HB eggs no yolk,5 turkey sausage, banana,coffee,n water.Lunch will be two turkey n white American,only tomato I’m outta lettuce,grapes,.Not sure about dinner.Just got to work.No gym.Today I am grateful for Marijuana.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Same good as normal cereal chicken rice was supposed tomdeadlift but couldn’t get out of bed. Two weeks off of dead’s after meet is fine by me insaid inwasnt goignto do anything involving legs this week but I may do them tomorrow if I’m feeling it.
I took Anadrol and Cialis preworkout and trained arms. It felt so good I think I’ll take Anadrol and visits before all uppercase workouts for awhile. This way I’m only taking anadrol 4 days a week which isn’t so bad on my old liver.
I’ve had two protein shakes today. I just bought some London broil so I’ll make a sandwich with that next meal.
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