Serious question on a box full of gear


Well-known member
I have 3 bottles of test e 250 2 bottles of deca 300 2 bottles of tri tren 150. 30 androl 50mg tabs. 150 Dbol 10mg tabs. And 250 winny tabs. Been out of the gym for awhile. Wanting to put a good cycle together with it all. Any thoughts. I have Nolvadex on hand too.
About 4 good cycles. I stopped hitting the gym cuz we had a baby girl. I’m 5’10. 218 lbs. I wanna get bigger and slim down.
Just hit you tube and nick Trig WCT channel. Just kidding, He is on the basic level, probably right on a lot of stuff, just the meathead level.
@Coalhogg brother I’d suggest getting some fat and water weight down before starting cycle. I believe it’s better to have a healthy base to build on. This is solely my opinion brother .
First what are your goals and stats?
Help us get a picture of what you are trying to do.
You should write an introduction if you haven’t. We all just like to get to know a little more about each other. It really helps us help you.

The first thing I would recommend is ordering an AI though.
You can definitely put something together with what you have just looks like you need an ai to complete something.
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This is always a good idea going into a cycle. Its basically prep to hit it hard cut down a bit and get the diet and training all lined up so when you start you can get the most out of everything.
I definitely agree
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I’m 38. 20% bf. I’ve never really ran pct/ai. Before. Just Nolvadex eod. Just planning on hitting it hard again soon. Had all this gear here. Just wanting some ideas on a good cycle. If you guys think a ai is needed. Tell what Im no pro lol
I won’t say that an AI is needed. I will say that blood work is the only way to tell.
I have ran cycles with just nolvadex.
The issue that people bring up about just nolvadex is that it lowers your igf levels and it also doesn’t lower your estrogen just blocks tissue growth so that you don’t get gyno but if your estrogen levels are to high it can be a bad thing for a couple of reasons.
You do want your estrogen levels to go up though because estrogen is an Anabolic hormone. It helps with growth so you don’t want to crush your estrogen but you don’t want it to run really high either. An AI on hand will allow you to lower your estrogen levels if you get into that position.
For an example if you’re running and your dick stops working and you’re not running a nor-19 the usual suspect is high estrogen.
If you want to get hard again you’re going to need to bring down your estrogen. You could even start to develop gyno and have itchy and scratchy nipples and need to lower your estrogen. The only way is with an AI.
Just a good idea to atleast have on hand and if you don’t plan on running it unless you need it I would recommend aromasin.
Geez guys he asked a simple question about a cycle. You all comment like your pros and know what’s best. I’m seeing this on a lot of posts. Blood work estrogen bla bla if someone has this much gear to me they know what they are doing for most part. He doesn’t need blood work and see where his estrogen levels are.

@Coalhogg this is what I’d do with what you have
250mg enth two times a week
Tri tren 3 times a week
50mg Abom on training days take in am
50mg winny pre workout (an hour before)
Leave deca out get eq run at 400mg a week
Nolvadex 10mg eod
I just wanted to know if he’d ran tren before. Cuz based on his goal I’d say it fit the bill. But I didn’t get a response lol.
Yes I see that bro and I saw he didn’t reply lol. Not to sound like an ass but people are getting carried away with estrogen and blood work and trt lol it’s like that’s the common response to simple questions
You can run as many as you want lol. Bro you can get lean on anadrol despite what others say. You can even get lean on dbol. I’ve prepped on both it’s all in your diet bro. Eat clean and you’re good to go. Eat like shit you will look like shit