SB Labs

Short esters and MWF split

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Comes down to personal preference. I mean it is your ass cheek. I get into moods I like ED. Then I get lazy and do EOD I have done MWF. Whatever you do just be consistent. As to not cause any unnecessary hormone spikes. I have gotten accustomed to sustanon for my TRT these days.
I used to do my e twice a week and my A3 to 4 times depending on the week so about close enough to everyday…I feel you that’s all about preference
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Speaking of pins…think I’m a drop down to 1/2 from an 1". See how the works out. Not much fat content on my limbs…:man_shrugging:t3:
Neuro said:
Pinning ED doesn’t alter your overall dosage. You adjust your EOD dosage to match.
Exactly. It’s not that you inject the same dosage ED, is that you cut an EOD dosage in half and inject it every day. I do Test Prop 50mg ED and some other stuff ED. My estradiol levels dropped 75 points doing it this way (though still at 104!).
Yeah I’m used to hearing about the normal stuff like dbol anadrol superdrol test base excetra I’ve heard about Halo for cutting but not so much for pre-workout until earlier today so I was curious. But yes how you described it is pretty much how I’ve heard it.
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I’ve ran Tren MWF just to give my mind a rest For a couple days. Some are hyper sensitive to Tren and even microdosing made me think about evil shit. I found myself at an older age very sensitive to side effects. Some do ED or EOD. I think it’s age/sensitivity/dosing particular. But that could be me. 🤷‍♂️
What do you does…and what is… let’s say the average man’s dosage… I’m thinking 10-20 mg for myself…
Thanks man. So far I’m EOD on test and Tren. No sides. Might up a little of both. But EOD seems to suit me fine. Will eventually drop the Tren but add it again with Mast as I got a blend.
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Now seeing I’m crazy I like to mix it with mtren and just get insane focus on the task at hand tryingto oudt the world. I just wish the shit made my grip tighter for the day I use on dead’s
Just found out a bad pre-workout mix for myself.
L-Arginine Viagra b vitamins and anavar…no I don’t use anavar as a pwo… Was just my time to take it… Did not like the rhythm of my heartbeat I’ll say that…
I don’t know about y’all but it doesn’t matter what muscle group what kind of pwos I use it always takes me 5 warm up sets to be warmed up and really get to the zone… So all this bullshit about one or two warm upsets… not for me brother… Now I’m not half-assing or anything and get a great pump but for me… 5 warm ups and I’m in there…
Quick to get where I’m going today I got up to top set on squats in about 20 minutes. I just add plates do 2-3 reps till I get to five plates then one rep till top set rest and go at it
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